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[Sg] - Chinese national kills 3 people in Yishun after being forced to defecate inside room


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
He said he was forced to stay in the bedroom naked because Ms Zhang did not allow him to leave the room when her daughter and sub-tenants were around. Since there was no toilet there, he had to defecate and urinate into plastic bags and newspapers.

Within five days, he had spent 2,000 yuan, including $120 for two crabs, which he cooked for mother and daughter. Two pieces were left for him. "But Jianyu told her mother she wanted them for her breakfast. I was left with no crab at all," Wang told the police.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Probably some truth in the Ah Tiong's statements that he was treated harshly by the deceased. Pent up anger made him a killer.


Old Fart
Probably some truth in the Ah Tiong's statements that he was treated harshly by the deceased. Pent up anger made him a killer.
A woman can really drive a guy mad. They can be the ultimate test of patience and tolerance. Ideally, we should just fuck and forget which would make our lives easier..

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Yandao kia looks like Wang Lihong. Same surname also


Murder suspect Wang Zhijian being escorted to the crime scene at