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[Sg] - Car accident survivor finds love with someone who makes her feel like a ‘normal person' despite her disability


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Imuho leepending on what kind of medical conditions one choose to embrace it.
In this case she could wheelchair herself to work etc means not too bad.
A little inconvenience is nothing to be afraid of.
If she has a good character it is still better than hooking up with some abled itchee jibyes.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Imuho leepending on what kind of medical conditions one choose to embrace it.
In this case she could wheelchair herself to work etc means not too bad.
A little inconvenience is nothing to be afraid of.
If she has a good character it is still better than hooking up with some abled itchee jibyes.

She had an accident in New Zealand. Spinal cord injury.