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[Sg] - Ben's Yeo Fish Soup Stall Closed Down


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Hunan beings uts all abt money when in partnership ,one hv the skills to cook n one title he us famous in sg, if not is not business as lost ones in

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
All are closing down soon!
Why loon him die?
He fucked your mother or murdered your father?
Let market forces decide if the food cmi or not value for money then they will close if business is poor. There are a lot more underserving fob than his that should close down first


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why loon him die?
He fucked your mother or murdered your father?
Let market forces decide if the food cmi or not value for money then they will close if business is poor. There are a lot more underserving fob than his that should close down first

You seem upset. Do you know that Mediacockster personally? :unsure: