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[Sg] - $9 chicken rice at Suntec Food Republic


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Alfrescian (Inf)
Thank you for paying for the rent. Don't complain if you insist on patronizing food courts run by F&B cronies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Enjoy the $9 price now, since this regime is doubling down on being a money laundering hub, the prices will continue to rise.

All that pittance and 'rebates' the PAP technocrats give you will hardly offset anything.

Your only hope is something happening here or elsewhere which utterly and irreversibly destroys the money laundering hub status. :cool:


dont understand why the customer never make a big fuss and walk away, are sinkees that ball less?
its just a few pieces of cheapo breast meat for crying out loud....