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sexual chemistry eye contact


i went to the macdonald's near my office for lunch today. then at the self ordering booth, there was a OL who was at the opposite booth. she was really really very pretty and very very attractive. so i finish ordering for my meal and went to my seat waiting for my table service. then while waiting, i use my phone to read this sammyboy forum. then i look up and oh no. she was opposite my table facing me and she was looking at me. I looked back and we had this eye contact moment where it felt really really sexual for some reason. my interest in her was obvious and to be honest i was very sure she could tell i found her very attractive as well. then she smiled at me and i smiled back, but then i didn't dare to lift up my head anymore to face her . i just quickly finished my $5 mcchicken promo meal and quickly left. very scary but she really really very very attractive and eye candy for special imagination time when I am alone in my bedroom ....
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syed putra

That is why sinkie women labelled local men as having no balls.if ang moh, would have strike a conversation already. And by nightfall, have her for dessert.


i went to the macdonald's near my office for lunch today. then at the self ordering booth, there was a OL who was at the opposite booth. she was really really very pretty and very very attractive. so i finish ordering for my meal and went to my seat waiting for my table service. then while waiting, i use my phone to read this sammyboy forum. then i look up and oh no. she was opposite my table facing me and she was looking at me. I looked back and we had this eye contact moment where it felt really really sexual for some reason. my interest in her was obvious and to be honest i was very sure she could tell i found her very attractive as well. then she smiled at me and i smiled back, but then i didn't dare to lift up my head anymore to face her . i just quickly finished my $5 mcchicken promo meal and quickly left. very scary but she really really very very attractive and eye candy for special imagination time when I am alone in my bedroom ....

You're really hopeless. No wonder your roommate buay song with you.


i went to the macdonald's near my office for lunch today. then at the self ordering booth, there was a OL who was at the opposite booth. she was really really very pretty and very very attractive. so i finish ordering for my meal and went to my seat waiting for my table service. then while waiting, i use my phone to read this sammyboy forum. then i look up and oh no. she was opposite my table facing me and she was looking at me. I looked back and we had this eye contact moment where it felt really really sexual for some reason. my interest in her was obvious and to be honest i was very sure she could tell i found her very attractive as well. then she smiled at me and i smiled back, but then i didn't dare to lift up my head anymore to face her . i just quickly finished my $5 mcchicken promo meal and quickly left. very scary but she really really very very attractive and eye candy for special imagination time when I am alone in my bedroom ....

Stop dreaming and get back to desk and work your ass off…


i went to the macdonald's near my office for lunch today. then at the self ordering booth, there was a OL who was at the opposite booth. she was really really very pretty and very very attractive. so i finish ordering for my meal and went to my seat waiting for my table service. then while waiting, i use my phone to read this sammyboy forum. then i look up and oh no. she was opposite my table facing me and she was looking at me. I looked back and we had this eye contact moment where it felt really really sexual for some reason. my interest in her was obvious and to be honest i was very sure she could tell i found her very attractive as well. then she smiled at me and i smiled back, but then i didn't dare to lift up my head anymore to face her . i just quickly finished my $5 mcchicken promo meal and quickly left. very scary but she really really very very attractive and eye candy for special imagination time when I am alone in my bedroom ....

You can continue to imagine all you want in your lonely bedroom, while that very pretty OL is probably having her horny pussy pounded some other alpha male right now. Next time, grow some balls . No wonder your housemate said you are a useless man.


i went to the macdonald's near my office for lunch today. then at the self ordering booth, there was a OL who was at the opposite booth. she was really really very pretty and very very attractive. so i finish ordering for my meal and went to my seat waiting for my table service. then while waiting, i use my phone to read this sammyboy forum. then i look up and oh no. she was opposite my table facing me and she was looking at me. I looked back and we had this eye contact moment where it felt really really sexual for some reason. my interest in her was obvious and to be honest i was very sure she could tell i found her very attractive as well. then she smiled at me and i smiled back, but then i didn't dare to lift up my head anymore to face her . i just quickly finished my $5 mcchicken promo meal and quickly left. very scary but she really really very very attractive and eye candy for special imagination time when I am alone in my bedroom ....
McDonald's at Jurong East?