I happen to speak to a masseuse at 01-03 Esta Ruby condo shop opposite City Plaza on 11th June when I discovered some illicit activities going on undetected by the enforcement authorities that warrants attention. Apparently there is a loophole for the sweat shops to exploit, though it is a requirement to operate from 9am to 10.30pm , most of these massage parlors are unlikely to follow the rules. She works at this parlor which is also having a new branch at block 3 Whampao South where the operating hours are similar. At 10.15pm the boss instructs switching off all lights to simulate closing of business, however, there are still many clients who chose to come during closing time because of lesser enforcement after this time. It is after closing time that illicit activities commence ,. According to her , she is an unwilling party in illicit activities but when these amorous clients start to go rough , they are unable to push them off . Fearing that the boss will be infuriated that she can’t provide good service , she sobbed that she has to relent and provide happy ending for $50 to $150 tips. She is hopeful that the licensing board will regulate and police enforcement check and monitor more closely as some of her colleagues are unwilling parties to such “orgy” like activities after 10.30pm until well past midnight. She is hopeful that the police will visit more often in plain uniforms as the bosses are always keeping a lookout facing the entrance of shop in case of raids. This has been the practice for almost 2 years since she started work there, it is suggested that working hours are far too long for the masseuse and they hardly have time to rest and prepare for next day’s work when they end up at 1am at times. If the last call is 9pm , at least by the time they finish at 10pm , they can still rest early since going back by public transport will take another 30 to 45 minutes. Back home they still need to wash clothes ,clean up etc. Also , they only have 2 off days a month and no overtime pay even after official working hours at 10.30pm.