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[Sex Advice During Covid] Please Shower, Wear face mask, Fuck, Shower again, Clean up room with Alcohol wipes


Couples should wear face masks while having sex, says new study

Catriona Harvey-Jenner
Cosmo4 June 2020
Photo credit: the_burtons - Getty Images

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Photo credit: the_burtons - Getty Images
From Cosmopolitan

Sex is all about intimacy, but a new study carried out by Harvard University on sexual health during the pandemic might just put a stop to that. Because the researchers involved have recommended wearing a face mask while doing the deed and, erm... yeah. It's feeling pretty un-sexy to me right now.

Despite the fact that a large part of the whole getting jiggy thing is the kissing, experts advise partners who don't live together to protect themselves with the barrier of a face mask. The US-based study, which assessed the sexual health implications of the virus, placed different methods of sexual activity in order from safest to least-safe in terms of spreading the virus.

Unsurprisingly, up at the top was 'abstinence', because you won't be catching anything if you're not going anywhere near another person. Next, with the second lowest risk for coronavirus, came masturbation. Then it was sex via digital platforms (which, while it may not be risky virus-wise, the experts acknowledged comes with its own risks in terms of privacy and sexual extortion), followed by sex with someone in the same household.

Then, at the bottom of the list and deemed the most risky, came sex with someone outside your own household - during which you're recommended to wear a face mask.

Photo credit: Ekaterina Senyutina - Getty Images

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Photo credit: Ekaterina Senyutina - Getty Images

It's worth noting at this point, however, that it is currently illegal in England to have sex with anyone who does not live in the same house as you. There are similar bans across the rest of the UK. But in the US, where it's not completely forbidden to sleep with someone outside your own household (although it is banned in many states to socialise with anyone you don't live with), scientists are advising taking precautions like face masks to minimise risk of spread.

When it's eventually re-legalised to shag outside the bubble of your own household (that's people-wise, we're talking. It'll still be very much illegal to have sex in a public place when coronavirus has been and gone...) it may be that UK experts take a similar approach of advising face mask-wearing while having sex with someone new, in an attempt to prevent the spread. But we can cross that very awkward-sounding bridge if it comes to it...

Photo credit: Kritsada Seekham / EyeEm

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Photo credit: Kritsada Seekham / EyeEm

The Harvard study goes on to recommend, on top of wearing a face mask during sex, that you should also "shower before and after sexual intercourse" and "clean up the physical space with soap or alcohol wipes". So, enjoy that lab experiment.
In all seriousness, it'll take a while before any of our old dating habits can safely return. And in the meantime, we'll all just have to get on board with taking the necessary steps to prevent the spread of the virus


I shall refrain from sexual misconduct.

Honour and abide by the third precept.

Sexual misconduct, sexual craving and sexual abuse are unskillful acts that lead to a range of undesirable outcomes and consequences.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Actually everything is SEX, energy itself is Masculine/Feminine, Ying/Yang. Balance is key is polarization without there's no growth.

Tantra is that Art of extreme pleasure without dispense.
When you spilled it you become weak, tired many misunderstood and refrain from orgasm that will lead to prostrate problems a common ailments among priest.

The key is to attain an Internal Orgasm which is none spill and retain the balanced pure superior energy of Creation itself for circulation it is the ultimate healing energy it'll reset the DNA over a short period of time.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's safer to use Zoom video conferencing, get naked and masturbate, and show each other your affections.