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Serious Seriously..It's Been 3mths+ And The Curve Has Not Flattened Yet Despite Having The Best Medical Facilities!!!

Talking Donkey

Alfrescian (S)

Seriously having just been discharge from the hospital recently,


i can attest to that we have the best medical and healthcare system in the world to easily flattened the curve and contain the Convid-19.


I even proudly tell my oversea kakis to come over here for treatment that if they caught the virus,your country healthcare system cannot make it one i told them..
they don't have the proper medical facilities to treat you..


Everyday when i saw news of how the whole world media heap praises on our Convid-19 Task Force ..we saw live exclusive MFA Dr Vivian on CNBC his response on how we tacle the virus..CNA and ST ask the experts and suddenly we have so many wuhan Covid-19 expert in our country..accolades keep coming in...WHO and other countries urges others to follow our standard giving us a perfect score..it makes me feel proud to be a s'porean


And after being on cloud-9 for days...and on april fool day as we know the horror show is slowly starting to creep in and causing panic like we have never seen before since the japanese invasion..in a matter of days we potong jalan and top the chart having the most cases in asean..all red button press activated and alarm bells start ringing


Seriously now as we know the whole country is consider in shutdown and and we are all now in a state of..


The burning question to our Convid-19 Task Force is what happened and who will hari kiri take the blame for this cock up..

flat blame.jpg


Like the international media, my overseas kakis is asking me..what happen to my country..i thought you told me...
as for me my only wish now is for the Convid-19 Task Force to try their best flattened the curve and lift the CIRCUIT BREAKER NOW because i missed my gf
in KL.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Whoever, owned, managed or have stakes in the dormitories should be brought to justice and castrated, to send a strong signal to the world that Singapore meant business and could not tolerate 3rd world living condition in a first world country. I urged all ministries and PAP to carry out the above task with high urgency.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Whoever, owned, managed or have stakes in the dormitories should be brought to justice and castrated, to send a strong signal to the world that Singapore meant business and could not tolerate 3rd world living condition in a first world country. I urged all ministries and PAP to carry out the above task with high urgency.

The source of the problem cannot also be the solution. You need regime change. Simple as that.


Whoever, owned, managed or have stakes in the dormitories should be brought to justice and castrated, to send a strong signal to the world that Singapore meant business and could not tolerate 3rd world living condition in a first world country. I urged all ministries and PAP to carry out the above task with high urgency.

this one smells of kakeelang involved, thats why the silence is deafening,