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Serious ponding in tiong-cock. Tanwahtiu please do something.


The Commie Cunt Party is helpless and clueless about what to do?

I though they always ownself praise ownself that they are a notch above the rest and they are the GOD of Cina land. NO? :biggrin::roflmao:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Beijing car bridge collapsed, many cars swept away with people still inside.
Tanwahtiu why is your 猪国 so fucked up?

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Damn shiok to see Beijing in such a shitty state.



Alfrescian (Inf)
The Commie Cunt Party is helpless and clueless about what to do?

I though they always ownself praise ownself that they are a notch above the rest and they are the GOD of Cina land. NO? :biggrin::roflmao:
CCPee is nothing but a bunch of 太监 masturbating.....


Alfrescian (Inf)
if pla air force were to fly massive squadrons of aircraft to harass taiwan during the typhoon i would regard it as 1st rate. otherwise it’s just a 3rd rate air force that has to shelter in place and hide their aircraft in underground bunkers.