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Serbia wants to invade Kosovo

Byebye Penis


EU's Borrell urges Kosovo and Serbia to de-escalate after latest clashes​


In the ethnically mixed area, police carrying automatic rifles were patrolling and guarding an election office where last week Serb protesters attacked police and smashed some of the building's windows.

Later on Monday, hundreds of supporters of Serbian rightist and ultranationalist organisations, some waving Russian flags, rallied in downtown Belgrade in support of Kosovo Serbs, demanding the Serbian government to intervene in Kosovo.

Protesters who marched through Belgrade city center waved flags and chanted "Kosovo is Serbia." There were no incidents.

Serbia enjoys support of Russia, its traditional Slavic and Orthodox Christian ally, in opposing Kosovo's independence. Belgrade is one of last European allies of Moscow after it launched an invasion on Ukraine.

Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for Russia's Foreign Ministry, said Moscow would back Serbia's policies.


Belgrade should be flattened with NATO bombs if those subhuman serboids try to do anything

syed putra

Too late. Kosovo has applied for organisation of islamic state observer status. Invading the area will only infuriate hardcore muslims from philippines in the Pacific to moroccco in the atlantic.
Besides, kosovo was under turk rule for 500 years and was under yugoslavia for only 100.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Good. Kosovo shouldn't have existed anyway. Another 'fine legacy' of Bill Clinton, in addition to getting his cock sucked by a Jewish intern in the White House. :cool:


Good. Kosovo shouldn't have existed anyway. Another 'fine legacy' of Bill Clinton, in addition to getting his cock sucked by a Jewish intern in the White House. :cool:
Why shouldn't Kosovo exist? Why should it remain within Serbia after the multi-ethnic framework that bound Yugoslavia together was replaced with Serboid ethnonationalism? Considering what the Serbs did to the Croats, Bosnians, and Albanians, Belgrade deserved to be flattened and wiped off the face of the earth. Too bad the air operation was limited in scope as NATO had the means along with the right to eliminate Serbia as a nation-state.

Byebye Penis

Why shouldn't Kosovo exist? Why should it remain within Serbia after the multi-ethnic framework that bound Yugoslavia together was replaced with Serboid ethnonationalism? Considering what the Serbs did to the Croats, Bosnians, and Albanians, Belgrade deserved to be flattened and wiped off the face of the earth. Too bad the air operation was limited in scope as NATO had the means along with the right to eliminate Serbia as a nation-state.
Serbian veterans claimed that war is inevitable

