parleement could be proposing "opp candidates". it's getting quite boring as could be witnessed from those sleepy dozing off mps caught in camera.
it's time to send in the SDP CLOWNS as the mocked up opp mps in parleement. this should surely liven up the whole atmiosphere. maybe those present should be provided with shoes, rotten eggs, queasy tomatoes for missles target practices just in case.
chee should be the happiest. he doesn't need to be in taiwan now for a quirky catfight which is leegal in parleement. his sister could now practise her rabid biting skill on some minitoots' butts
it's time to send in the SDP CLOWNS as the mocked up opp mps in parleement. this should surely liven up the whole atmiosphere. maybe those present should be provided with shoes, rotten eggs, queasy tomatoes for missles target practices just in case.
chee should be the happiest. he doesn't need to be in taiwan now for a quirky catfight which is leegal in parleement. his sister could now practise her rabid biting skill on some minitoots' butts