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Self-driving car rear-ends another car after salesperson tells customer not to hit the brakes



Self-driving car rear-ends another car after salesperson tells customer not to hit the brakes​

"I thought it would brake by itself," the salesperson said.
By Kim Shelly Tan - 3 Jul 2024, 11:12 am

Self-driving car rear-ends another car​

Self-driving cars often receive mixed reactions. Some people are amazed by the new technology, while others remain wary of it.
However, a video recently went viral on Chinese social media showing a self-driving car rear-ending another vehicle after the salesperson told the customer not to hit the brakes.
Self-driving car rear-ends (1)

@woyongdehuawe on X
According to a China News report, the car is from the brand Denza, which is owned by the Chinese automotive company BYD.

The time and place of the incident are unknown.

Customer was test-driving the car​

In the viral video originally posted on Weibo, a customer was test-driving a Denza D9 with the salesperson seated in the passenger’s seat.

The salesperson instructed the customer to let go of the steering wheel to experience the car’s self-driving function, assuring him that “the vehicle will automatically stop when there are obstacles ahead”.
Self-driving car rear-ends (3)

@woyongdehuawe on X
The customer even asked if he did not need to step on the brakes, which the salesperson affirmed.

Salesperson tells customer not to hit the brakes​

As they approached a traffic light, the customer noticed another car in front of them and asked if they were going to hit it.

The salesperson told him not to move, even as the self-driving car did not slow down as they approached the other vehicle.

It was only when the car was about to collide with the vehicle in front that the salesperson shouted for the customer to hit the brakes, but by then, it was too late.

Self-driving car rear-ends (2)

@woyongdehuawe on X
After the collision, the customer questioned the salesperson, “Didn’t you say it would brake by itself?” to which the salesperson replied, “I thought it would brake by itself.”

Video of self-driving car causes stir on social media​

The video triggered a heated discussion on social media, reported China News.
Some commented that the brand lost face due to the incident, with one person saying no one would dare buy the vehicle now.

Others speculated that the customer may have stepped on the brake nervously and exited self-driving mode, which is why the car did not automatically brake.
BYD has yet to comment on the incident, China News wrote.