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Seizure after getting booster


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some of the Covid vaccine true believers whose kids got injured by the vaccines, still urged everyone to get vaccinated. :rolleyes:



The main reason why I kept actively updating my IG stories @letsaskmama was because I am genuinely worried that I might eventually end up unable to recall what happened or is currently happening. Truth be told, I still have pockets of memories missing. In fact, regarding the video I created once I was pushed into the recovery ward, I had zero recollection of doing that till today. But I'm glad I did so because through that video I learned that I had 4 seizures.

https://shrtcô.de/1K2ap5 (scroll down to read)

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Not the first time I heard this happen. The guy had a history of epilepsy

Seriously why can't sinkies think of their own safety and well being instead of believing in what pap and big companies tell them?