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See even a majestic has to die... painfully for many...




So pathetic.... that's my joy to have you spew anti Chinese and I hit back at you....

Just keep doing this and enjoy @escher @LaoTze @winners clones...

Go find narratives create new threads and be less personal menace here.... even @bigcockman @Cottonmouth @syd putra did better than you.... they have more fun than you...
Yeah lah.... see u get fucked by blue camels is fun...

Fuck your mother chow chee bye you fucking closet gay :FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU:


So pathetic.... that's my joy to have you spew anti Chinese and I hit back at you....

Just keep doing this and enjoy @escher @LaoTze @winners clones...

Go find narratives create new threads and be less personal menace here.... even @bigcockman @Cottonmouth @syd putra did better than you.... they have more fun than you...
don't copy what i type lah... u really low in IQ, and hopeless old cunt... hahahaha

please show me some code lah. did you wife, daughter passed you the money from their prostitution? hahahahaha

kan your lau bu ah chee bye, bai chee


don't copy what i type lah... u really low in IQ, and hopeless old cunt... hahahaha

please show me some code lah. did you wife, daughter passed you the money from their prostitution? hahahahaha

kan your lau bu ah chee bye, bai chee

Confirm @winners clone... pathetic...


don't copy what i type lah... u really low in IQ, and hopeless old cunt... hahahaha

please show me some code lah. did you wife, daughter passed you the money from their prostitution? hahahahaha

kan your lau bu ah chee bye, bai chee

._ ._. Enough code.... go fuck yrslf.... like a female octopus ...