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SDP to focus on minimum wage and Singaporeans First Policy



SDP to focus on minimum wage and Singaporeans First Policy
Monday, 22 November 2010
Singapore Democrats


At the closed door forum organised by the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS), Dr Chee outlined the SDP's campaign message for the next general elections. He told the audience that the Singapore Democrats will focus on the need for minimum wage, lowering the cost of living and to implement the Singaporeans First Policy.

He highlighted the fact that these and other policy proposals are laid out in the party's alternative economic programme It's About You which was launched last weekend at the second pre-election rally. Below is the first part of Dr Chee's speech:

Mr Chairman, fellow speakers, friends, ladies and gentlemen,

I thank the NUSS for this opportunity to address you and for the erudition of the speakers who spoke before me as well as, I am sure, those who follow.

Ours is a society that celebrates wealth. Nothing wrong with that. But when that is all we celebrate, then I submit to you that we are, in fact, not a wealthy people. We are a society starved in spirit, one that is morally bankrupt, and one without a soul.

We are too afraid to speak up when we see injustice, too driven by material wealth to care about what happens to our fellow citizens.

I don't say this lightly. There was an Australian who visited Singapore a few months back and she told me that she was shocked to see an elderly lady clearing dishes and cleaning tables at a hawker centre. And yet for us Singaporeans, we don't bat an eyelid. We take it in our stride and think that that's the natural order of things.

But that's not even the saddest part. Many of such elderly workers are paid pittance. I met a cleaner, Mr Ramli, who was employed by a town council. I struck up a conversation with him and learnt that he was in his mid-70s, worked 6 days a week, starting at seven in the morning and not finishing at about 2 in the afternoon.

His salary? $400 a month.

On the other end of the spectrum we have people who hail themselves as society's talented and that they should be paid top dollar for the skills they possess. I am, of course, talking about Mr de Souza's party bosses, the ministers, who in their infinite wisdom see it fit to pay themselves 500 times the salary Mr Ramli is paid.

The PAP likes to use the term free-market system to describe this horrific imbalance. At the SDP we have another word for it: Exploitation.

We must restore some sanity to our system. We need to inculcate a sense of morality. This is why we advocate the introduction of a minimum wage law to prevent such quite immoral exploitation of people like Mr Ramli. We will be campaigning on this policy in the coming general elections.

Another matter that we campaign on is the lowering of the cost of living in Singapore. We need to reduce the GST, prices of HDB flats and public transport fares all of which conspire to make life unimaginably stressful for working Singaporeans.

Third we will continue to push for a Singaporeans First Policy. I say continue because we campaigned on this issue 10 years ago at the 2001 general elections. We want to see incentives provided for employers to hire Singaporeans first and to retrench them last.

These three policies are among the many that we have proposed in our alternative economic programme. It's entitled It's About You where we lay out a comprehensive, realistic and workable plan to take our economy forward. It's available for purchase.

This programe is, in a nutshell, what I would like you, my friends, to take home with you this evening which is that the SDP has a viable alternative plan for Singapore.

We are not just in opposition to the PAP. We offer Singaporeans a clear and compelling alternative vision, one that provides the people a real choice at the next elections.



SDP to focus on minimum wage and Singaporeans First Policy
Monday, 22 November 2010
Singapore Democrats


At the closed door forum organised by the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS), Dr Chee outlined the SDP's campaign message for the next general elections. He told the audience that the Singapore Democrats will focus on the need for minimum wage, lowering the cost of living and to implement the Singaporeans First Policy.

He highlighted the fact that these and other policy proposals are laid out in the party's alternative economic programme It's About You which was launched last weekend at the second pre-election rally. Below is the first part of Dr Chee's speech:

Do you even know what a mimimum wage policy is and jhow it could affact an economy that is decided by market force?

Is there an economist within SDP at all?????

da dick

Do you even know what a mimimum wage policy is and jhow it could affact an economy that is decided by market force?

Is there an economist within SDP at all?????
and your view is what????

NSP sounds more sensible when it comes to financial concerns. too bad no mat or PR will ever vote for them if singpies ever bother to bite their masters. not including the gahmen/ PAP, the wayang party looks like the most powderful this time around. talk kok sing song. dun fucking care.


After centuries of proselytizing, slave moralists have finally managed to cement empathy as the bedrock of all human morality. This can't go on for any longer. Morality must not be hijacked by bleeding hearts and socialists. Just look at the mess that Europe finds itself in right now. What caused the current malaise there? Welfarism. Should sinkie sheep allow themselves to be enticed by the disingenuous promises of deluded leftists such as CSJ, I'm afraid the end of Sinkieland would be nigh.

da dick

After centuries of proselytizing, slave moralists have finally managed to cement empathy as the bedrock of all human morality. This can't go on for any longer. Morality must not be hijacked by bleeding hearts and socialists. Just look at the mess that Europe finds itself in right now. What caused the current malaise there? Welfarism. Should sinkie sheep allow themselves to be enticed by the disingenuous promises of deluded leftists such as CSJ, I'm afraid the end of Sinkieland would be nigh.
BS. 66.6 still not enough for you to feel safe issit? europe mostly collapsed because they got as greedy as USA speculating on worthless stock and overpriced property, not 'cause of social welfare. w/o any social welfare, arid lands like mongolia , iceland, etc would never have any kind of progress.


BS. 66.6 still not enough for you to feel safe issit? europe mostly collapsed because they got as greedy as USA speculating on worthless stock and overpriced property, not 'cause of social welfare. w/o any social welfare, arid lands like mongolia , iceland, etc would never have any kind of progress.

First of all, I'm not a supporter of the PAPpies. I'm apathetic to all political parties and the very concept of a "government". I'm an anarchist. Second, you really should get yourself informed on the nature of the sovereign debt in Europe. Some of it are down to speculation, most of it are due to the unsustainability of the welfare state. The European people know that. So do the European politicians.


Do you even know what a mimimum wage policy is and jhow it could affact an economy that is decided by market force?

Is there an economist within SDP at all?????

Hong Kong is the latest to implement minimun wages.

Today, a total of 197 countries have set a minimun wage.

Do these countries even know ? Or have they all got Maggot brian!?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hong Kong is the latest to implement minimun wages.

Today, a total of 197 countries have set a minimun wage.

I find your claim of 197 countries with mininum wage impossible as there're 192 countries in the United Nations. Also, Hong Kong is not a country.


Hong Kong is the latest to implement minimun wages.

Today, a total of 197 countries have set a minimun wage.

Do these countries even know ? Or have they all got Maggot brian!?

and where did you get your sources that there are 197 countries that has mimimum wage policy?

and how has mimimum wage polcy benefit the economy of those countries?


Wikipedia listed 197 countries and territories ( eg. Taiwan ).

For Maggot oversight, out of 197, about 11 countries do not have minimun wage at all, while another 10 and some form of collective bargains.

I find your claim of 197 countries with mininum wage impossible as there're 192 countries in the United Nations. Also, Hong Kong is not a country.


so set the minimum wage at $4.70 per hour like hk...
i am waiting to see how people pay their maids who work more than 12 hours every day..


Yes agreed, we can't afford to have maids, unless the government are not too greedy on the levy and lift it.

Otherwise, only 10 other countries are as smart as Singapore to say no to minimum wage unconditionally. They are

North Korea

Gee, those quitters are really foolish, all their popular destination countries are dumb.

so set the minimum wage at $4.70 per hour like hk...
i am waiting to see how people pay their maids who work more than 12 hours every day..


Yes agreed, we can't afford to have maids, unless the government are not too greedy on the levy and lift it.

12 hrs X $4.70 X 30 days = $1692
levy or no levy, say bye bye to your maids... :biggrin:


Maggot fully supported you, we just love to exploit those retarded maid and FW didn't we.

Maggot knows you can exploit a Indonesian/Sri Lankan maid for $250 and $350 for Pinoy. But have to lan lan give our govt. $345 pm and a $5,000 bond. :mad:

And that works out to be 0.70 cents and 0.95 cents per hour respectively.

You are a business man are you, Maggot also runs a rubbish company, and my contractor exploited those FW like hell. Their pay is like

12 hrs X 26 days X $1.6 = $500

Only $1.60 per hour nia.

I also got lots of displaced PMETs asking me for job and willing to accept $5 an hour job clearing rubbish, I told them to get lost, since I can employed a FT for under $2 an hour.

Definitely I will not support having a minimun wage of $5, that is disgusting, how can I throw away my dreams of owning another few more properties.

12 hrs X $4.70 X 30 days = $1692
levy or no levy, say bye bye to your maids... :biggrin:

da dick

North Korea

you really talk cock, maggot. half of those countries you listed are bankrupt or totatlly dependent on foreign handouts. no ang mo is going to give us any free lunch, not when our leaders are still millionaires.