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Serious School Reopening - Suggestions for MOE

Byebye Penis

Please consider implementation of six full-days class for all PRI/SEC/JC schools ('schools')

1. P1-3, Sec 1-2 and J1 students will attend class on Monday - Wed from 8am to 6pm
P1 and P2 students need more parental care and most parents don't work on Saturdays.

2. P4-6, Sec 3-4 and J2 students will attend class on Thur - Sat from 8am to 6pm

3. Teachers will be reassigned to Mon-Wed group and Thurs-Sat group.

Every teacher will only work 3 full-days + 2 WFH days. VPs and P will any of 4 full-days out of the first six days of the week.

4. Support staff in school, eg. cleaners, securities will be given OT pay on Sat.

5. Each class will be split into two adjoining or side-by-side classrooms.

Teachers will manage a class in two classrooms (eg. give assignments for one classroom while tutoring another). For P1-2 classes, adjunct teachers or co-form teachers can help out.

6. Suspend all CCAs, assemblies and flag-raising to avoid cross-infections. Stagger break times and PE lessons.
Engage Adjunct PE teachers or part-time PE teachers (eg. swimming coaches or national team players) if necessary..

7. Continue to suspend all private enrichment schools and encourage home tuition and online learning.

8. Temporarily suspend regular school dental checks, but continue to allow dental nurses to provide adhoc services.

9. Increase frequency of school toilet-cleaning and cancel daily class cleaning duties. Get students to clean classroom on last period on Wed and Sat.

Many older primary school toilets' condition are really like S11 dorm.

10. Reduce outdoor activities due to massive Dengue outbreak.

Byebye Penis

Thank the gods I'm no longer involved in the cesspit that is the MOE education system. :whistling:

CECA and FW are treated differently, although they are all from India.

The hygiene condition of older neighbourhood schools are like S11 dorms (Broken basins, faulty toilet flushes, stained tiles, black toilet bowls) and top schools are like Ramesh's condo.

Byebye Penis

Alternatively, we can assign the rich kids in bukit timah schools to study in the older neighbourhood schools for a year (in the name of social distancing, whatever crap), their VIP parents will use their power to improve the older neighbourhood schools.

NEA never raids the older school toilets. If MOE Is reluctant to act like MOM in the beginning of the year, they are risking a fallout when school reopens.

syed putra

change school uniform.


Byebye Penis

What schools and businesses should consider before reopening: WHO COVID-19 briefing
Decision makers should consider if there are ways to set up classrooms to keep children physically separate during certain times of the day such as playtime or lunchtime, said Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO Technical Lead. Other factors can’t be discounted in the decision to reopen schools, said the WHO, including children’s access to meals, educational disparities and the need to reduce burdens on parents who are essential healthcare workers.



Please consider implementation of six full-days class for all PRI/SEC/JC schools ('schools')

1. P1-3, Sec 1-2 and J1 students will attend class on Monday - Wed from 8am to 6pm
P1 and P2 students need more parental care and most parents don't work on Saturdays.

2. P4-6, Sec 3-4 and J2 students will attend class on Thur - Sat from 8am to 6pm

3. Teachers will be reassigned to Mon-Wed group and Thurs-Sat group.

Every teacher will only work 3 full-days + 2 WFH days. VPs and P will any of 4 full-days out of the first six days of the week.

4. Support staff in school, eg. cleaners, securities will be given OT pay on Sat.

5. Each class will be split into two adjoining or side-by-side classrooms.

Teachers will manage a class in two classrooms (eg. give assignments for one classroom while tutoring another). For P1-2 classes, adjunct teachers or co-form teachers can help out.

6. Suspend all CCAs, assemblies and flag-raising to avoid cross-infections. Stagger break times and PE lessons.
Engage Adjunct PE teachers or part-time PE teachers (eg. swimming coaches or national team players) if necessary..

7. Continue to suspend all private enrichment schools and encourage home tuition and online learning.

8. Temporarily suspend regular school dental checks, but continue to allow dental nurses to provide adhoc services.

9. Increase frequency of school toilet-cleaning and cancel daily class cleaning duties. Get students to clean classroom on last period on Wed and Sat.

Many older primary school toilets' condition are really like S11 dorm.

10. Reduce outdoor activities due to massive Dengue outbreak.
Why are you giving ideas to the PAP? Let them fail, and let sinkies vote in your beloved worker party in retaliation. :sneaky: