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SCDF + SAF better do some work in Taiwanese flood & m&d-slide search & rescue


famiLEE LEEgime better put the boys on plane & go take some real experience on the ground. Much more meaningful and Wayang on NDP. It is an opportunity for realistic training and friendship. You don't do this no one will help SG when we got into similar troubles. :wink::rolleyes: Ah Teo & Ah Seng & Ass Loong don't act blur. Get the boys on the plane!:cool:


Aiyah network error when I clicked post got error messages, I clicked BACK in browser and clicked post again, came out 2 threads? :mad:



Taiwan military rescues some 260 from mudslide

<abbr title="2009-08-11T00:25:51-0700" class="recenttimedate">18 mins ago</abbr>
<!-- end .byline --> TAIPEI, Taiwan – TV stations say Taiwan's military has rescued about 260 people from the area around a village that was struck by a typhoon-triggered mudslide, but there is no word on the fate of scores of others buried by the disaster in the island's south.
The mudslide touched off by Typhoon Morakot inundated the remote mountain village of Shiao Lin on Sunday, leaving at least 400 people unaccounted for. The storm dumped as much as 80 inches (two meters) of rain on the island before moving on to China.
On Tuesday, authorities said at least 41 people were confirmed dead and 60 were missing after Morakot swept across Taiwan. Those tolls do not include the residents of Shiao Lin, whose fate has been unclear since Sunday's mudslide.



Taiwan military rescues some 260 from mudslide

<abbr title="2009-08-11T00:25:51-0700" class="recenttimedate">18 mins ago</abbr>
<!-- end .byline --> TAIPEI, Taiwan – TV stations say Taiwan's military has rescued about 260 people from the area around a village that was struck by a typhoon-triggered mudslide, but there is no word on the fate of scores of others buried by the disaster in the island's south.
The mudslide touched off by Typhoon Morakot inundated the remote mountain village of Shiao Lin on Sunday, leaving at least 400 people unaccounted for. The storm dumped as much as 80 inches (two meters) of rain on the island before moving on to China.
On Tuesday, authorities said at least 41 people were confirmed dead and 60 were missing after Morakot swept across Taiwan. Those tolls do not include the residents of Shiao Lin, whose fate has been unclear since Sunday's mudslide.

Activate the SAF resources and men at various bases in ROC to save people lah PAP morons!

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
I thought such things got protocol one? If Taiwan neber ask, we cannot go help right? Jus like the other time during the Sichuan Earthquake, we went and after a while got "invited" out.

In any case, is our ROC campsite affected or not, scarely we cannot even save ourselves - want to save others...oh and I forgot, Cat 1 leh...SOP say no outdoor activities - save si mi lan cheow?


I thought such things got protocol one? If Taiwan neber ask, we cannot go help right? Jus like the other time during the Sichuan Earthquake, we went and after a while got "invited" out.

In any case, is our ROC campsite affected or not, scarely we cannot even save ourselves - want to save others...oh and I forgot, Cat 1 leh...SOP say no outdoor activities - save si mi lan cheow?

Sure have protocol. Ass Loong & Ah Teo violated that norm during Arche Tsunami and Kay-Kiang to personally fly into Rebellion State with SAF totally without being escorted by Indonesian Military nor Civilian Officials, that is completely Wrong Protocol. You must 1st get consent and agreement before entering rescue zone. You should ask for their official coordinators or diplomats to escort & you should NOT deal directly with local leaders especially when they are rebel and you are PM & DPM.

This is very sensitive, because rebel can claim that they are Independent State HONORED by Republic Of Singapore Govt, due to your wrong act. Normally a PM & DPM (Defense Minister) will NOT go to a mission / operation like that. Too high profile. And then they were NOT being escorted by officers from Jakarta nor Indonesian Military, this is very wrong. You entered other country's backyard where it is a Rebellion Zone and deal with the rebels while your status is Rep Of Singapore PM & Minister of Defense - TOO BIG A MISTAKE. Need to resign! :cool:

This type of mission does not justify Ministers to be on the ground, assign one Colonel to be ground commander is enough.

When a SG Minister need to visit Arche in official capacity, the proper way is to goto Jakarta, and be escorted to Arche by the hosting officials. That is like entering the host country via the front door. And when you go to people's backyard, you are being shown the place by the host, you don't SUKA SUKA take RSAF helicopter with your own troops to enter Rebel Controlled - Civil War Zone such as Arche.

That WAS INVASION.:eek::cool:

famiLEE LEEgime scholars are BRAINLESS, HOW-LIAN, YAH-YAH, AH-BENGS, playing cowboys. Proven again.


To rescue in Taiwan, 1st contact the diplomats via Taipei Trade Office @ Alexandre Rd (eqv consulate), express willingness to help. Mah Ying Jiu Govt should be happy to accept. Then coordinate the work quickly.

Taiwan Air Force is having troubles with fucked up Vietnam war era UH1H helicopter, one already crashed killing all 3 on board, the rest are grounded for this reason. There is serious shortage. SG should send Chinook Puma & Squirrel to Taiwan ASAP. This is what Taiwanese will appreciate & Beijing won't raise objection. Make a note with PRC Ambassador to SG, they would be happy to see SG help Taiwanese flood victims. I think Beijing would rather also send their own PLA to rescue their own brothers if were not for the extra sensitivity.

Beijing govt won't be so unreasonable to object SG helping Taiwanese typhoon victims, but it would be sensible gesture for SG to give Beijing a word to state the stand of the matter and clarify the objectives.


Taiwanese Parliament + KMT party + Presidential office all voted and agreed on accepting emergency assistance from PRC mainland. The mainland's Taiwanese Affairs Office also expressed strong will to assist the flood victims.


府院黨決議 歡迎大陸人道援助

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/08/13 02:54</q> 秦蕙媛/台北報導




相 關人士透露,十八個捐助台灣賑災的大陸企業主,除具有海協會理事身分外,很多人也具有大陸官方背景,而中共中央台辦常務副主任鄭立中在捐款儀式上表示,海 協會企業界理事單位在第一時間迅速踴躍捐款,體現了大陸企業的社會責任感,充分反映中華民族扶危濟困的傳統美德和血濃於水的同胞大愛。


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Alfrescian (Inf)
Sure have protocol. Ass Loong & Ah Teo violated that norm during Arche Tsunami and Kay-Kiang to personally fly into Rebellion State with SAF totally without being escorted by Indonesian Military nor Civilian Officials, that is completely Wrong Protocol. You must 1st get consent and agreement before entering rescue zone. You should ask for their official coordinators or diplomats to escort & you should NOT deal directly with local leaders especially when they are rebel and you are PM & DPM.

This is very sensitive, because rebel can claim that they are Independent State HONORED by Republic Of Singapore Govt, due to your wrong act. Normally a PM & DPM (Defense Minister) will NOT go to a mission / operation like that. Too high profile. And then they were NOT being escorted by officers from Jakarta nor Indonesian Military, this is very wrong. You entered other country's backyard where it is a Rebellion Zone and deal with the rebels while your status is Rep Of Singapore PM & Minister of Defense - TOO BIG A MISTAKE. Need to resign! :cool:

This type of mission does not justify Ministers to be on the ground, assign one Colonel to be ground commander is enough.

When a SG Minister need to visit Arche in official capacity, the proper way is to goto Jakarta, and be escorted to Arche by the hosting officials. That is like entering the host country via the front door. And when you go to people's backyard, you are being shown the place by the host, you don't SUKA SUKA take RSAF helicopter with your own troops to enter Rebel Controlled - Civil War Zone such as Arche.

That WAS INVASION.:eek::cool:

famiLEE LEEgime scholars are BRAINLESS, HOW-LIAN, YAH-YAH, AH-BENGS, playing cowboys. Proven again.


To rescue in Taiwan, 1st contact the diplomats via Taipei Trade Office @ Alexandre Rd (eqv consulate), express willingness to help. Mah Ying Jiu Govt should be happy to accept. Then coordinate the work quickly.

Taiwan Air Force is having troubles with fucked up Vietnam war era UH1H helicopter, one already crashed killing all 3 on board, the rest are grounded for this reason. There is serious shortage. SG should send Chinook Puma & Squirrel to Taiwan ASAP. This is what Taiwanese will appreciate & Beijing won't raise objection. Make a note with PRC Ambassador to SG, they would be happy to see SG help Taiwanese flood victims. I think Beijing would rather also send their own PLA to rescue their own brothers if were not for the extra sensitivity.

Beijing govt won't be so unreasonable to object SG helping Taiwanese typhoon victims, but it would be sensible gesture for SG to give Beijing a word to state the stand of the matter and clarify the objectives.

uncleyap: Another piece of shit from you. I can understand why some people hate the Lees. Their hatred for the Lees are more genuine. Yours?
Orchestrated and rehearsed. Don't embarrass yourself further. Request for new tasking and please remain incognito to prevent more embarassment.


uncleyap: Another piece of shit from you. I can understand why some people hate the Lees. Their hatred for the Lees are more genuine. Yours?
Orchestrated and rehearsed. Don't embarrass yourself further. Request for new tasking and please remain incognito to prevent more embarassment.

No time for you


You seem to know some of the protocol behind these things. Yes, it first done behind close doors and then announced in the press.

I thought such things got protocol one? If Taiwan neber ask, we cannot go help right? Jus like the other time during the Sichuan Earthquake, we went and after a while got "invited" out.

In any case, is our ROC campsite affected or not, scarely we cannot even save ourselves - want to save others...oh and I forgot, Cat 1 leh...SOP say no outdoor activities - save si mi lan cheow?


Yap Keng Ho is clearly getting worse and notice how like a magnet he met Chia a day after he gave the press release on his new politcal party bhy coincidence.