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Sarawak Chiobu Helena Sim works as a harbour pilot in Singapore. 可以吗?

syed putra

Sarawak girls are almost like Pinays?
If from local tribes. Iban. Bidayuh. Melanau, kelabit, penan....
But local Chinese are foo chows. Like in batu pahat and sitiawan in perak. Wherever you find foo chows, you find boat builders and loggers. And Sarawak has many shipyards as in lumut near sitiawan.

Byebye Penis

Sarawak girls are almost like Pinays?
In Borneo, Kadazan,Iban, Dusun got super chio ladies.

Those from middle-income family speaks impeccable English (they are not well-verse in Malay or Chinese). That's why when Anwar wanted to recruit English volunteer teachers from Singapore, I was wondering why he didn't recruit from Borneo

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syed putra

In Borneo, Kadazan,Iban, Dusun got super chio ladies.

Those from middle-income family speaks impeccable English (they are not well-verse in Malay or Chinese). That's why when Anwar wanted to recruit English volunteer teachers from Singapore, I was wondering why he didn't recruit from Borneo

You will be surprised Chinese in Sabah speaks impeccable Malay too. I spoke English to Chinese in Sabah, they stared back blankly. And replied in Malay. Sabah dialect.