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Samsters pls sexplain: why Chinese people like to cry when watching concerts in China


Alfrescian (Inf)
crowd cried bcos he started crying ...

y he cried? ...

tis his concert after disappearing from ze music scene 4 10 yrs ... y he disappeared? ... a gang of 4 who thot dey demselves were ze authority in ze music scene hantam n tried 2 destroy his music ... he juz came back l;ast yr ... his fans all came back out n hantam dat gang of 4 until dey diam-diam ... u go google ze rest n details ...


I think there are different types of reason behind.
The voice of China one I think are paid actors.
As for concerts, I shall comment based on own personal experience.
I admitted I cried (but inside the heart) and not showing it, becos of a certain kind of uncontrollable thoughts and emotions like am I dreaming or real? The concert was the beyond 活得更精彩 1996. Since young I tried to imitate 1 of its member, in terms of look, hairstyle, dressings and even picked up guitar becos of my idol.
So when I saw them performing live in front of me I just couldn't control my internal feeling. :confused::biggrin: KNN siao


It's like fake orgasm when getting rammed.
Some will cry like they are virgin, but reality is the pussy mileage is more than your 25 year old car.


It's s hard life in the motherland. Dog eat dog world. Eat Malays easier.
Not easy to afford a concert ticket in Tiongkok ..some save more than 6-9mth to afford a ticket...when u go to concert and hear tge unplug version of the singer performance...u can lau bak sai if u feel cheated or not worth it


I think there are different types of reason behind.
The voice of China one I think are paid actors.
As for concerts, I shall comment based on own personal experience.
I admitted I cried (but inside the heart) and not showing it, becos of a certain kind of uncontrollable thoughts and emotions like am I dreaming or real? The concert was the beyond 活得更精彩 1996. Since young I tried to imitate 1 of its member, in terms of look, hairstyle, dressings and even picked up guitar becos of my idol.
So when I saw them performing live in front of me I just couldn't control my internal feeling. :confused::biggrin: KNN siao

You imitated a Tiong celebrity? So fucking uncool.