• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Samsters beware. Black Dog coming after u with new laws.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Online harms = 'my feelings are hurt'.

Some wisdom from Reagan, but probably won't help daft Sinkies who are beyond redemption. :cool:



Old Fart
Oh yes, that would be so great! I need online protection from rabid crazies, they're everywhere!!:eek:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The solution is actually very simple : DO NOT record yourself naked, having sex, masturbating or poking your own kar chng and do NOT create a social media account ie twitter, instagram, facebook with your real identity.

If there are no images of yourself online chances of falling victim to doxxing or deep fakes is a hellava lot lower.

An online presense is an option not a necessity. Problem solved.


The solution is actually very simple : DO NOT record yourself naked, having sex, masturbating or poking your own kar chng and do NOT create a social media account ie twitter, instagram, facebook with your real identity.

If there are no images of yourself online chances of falling victim to doxxing or deep fakes is a hellava lot lower.

An online presense is an option not a necessity. Problem solved.
That is a very good advice, thank u


Online harms = 'my feelings are hurt'.

Some wisdom from Reagan, but probably won't help daft Sinkies who are beyond redemption. :cool:

Most terrifying word is: "I'm from worker party gotta gimme 30 sits before I can speak up for u."
- moji megan