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SAF has a 4th arm after Army, Navy and Air Force - Digital and Intelligence Service


What is Digital Rape?

Digital rape may sound like a sexual offence committed digitally or virtually, but it actually refers to the act of forceful penetration using fingers or toes without consent. The word digit in digital notifies finger, thumb, and toe, thus calling the crime digital rape. In the Salarpur case, Convict Akbar Ali lured the minor girl on the pretext of getting her candy and digitally raped her at his house.

Read more at: https://www.shethepeople.tv/home-top-video/what-is-digital-rape/


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hope this entity is strong enough to resist the China CCP military hackers, and refrain from abusing its power to "Minority Report' dissidents and wrongthinkers. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
time for PAP to allow Malays in the army because many chinese linked to Chinese communist terrorists

Malays are in the army, just not found in the classified and sensitive units. :cool:

If there are no Malays in the army, you might as well close down the halal section of the cookhouse, and put babi on the menu everyday. It's so much simpler for the logistics. :biggrin:


Fat chance. The reasons given are all excuses.
This place is racist and we all know it.

Anti Islamic, anti Muslim.

How come indon and melayun havent cut off all diplomatic trade and other ties with stinkypura and whacked it senseless in all these decades but instead follow yanke diktat and refuse to deal openly, trade openly exchange openly with iran north korea russia?

you can get nuclera weapons icbm anti satellite missiles long range sam incl aesa radar, fighter jet, nuclear powered and conventional submarines, slbm, jet engine tech, aesa radar tech where hardware is just mmic and software can be customized by your coders. anti satellite missile tech, diesel engine tech which iran can in fact offer since it's reverse engineered plenty of tech and weapons from plenty of countries, in rare cases, it's also come up with original weapons like so called "358 missile" but of coz, as iran turkey or zionist terorrists are alike in that they are all assemblrs of weapons, they buy parts from abroad and put them together.

where indon and melayun can complement these countries is production. manufacturing.

got plenty of land labour materials demand if needed. so plenty of scope of manufacturing. moreover manufacturing value added in malaysia+indonesia already north of $300 billion yanke dollar (if yu think that's worth anything) based on exchange rate, must be higher based on PPP. if needed import 50 million bangla, 20 million paki, 30 million ceca muslims (like zakir naik & co) then triple manufacturing value added to 900 billion yanke dollar if u think that usd is worth anythingl

stinkies just can't keep up.

iran russkies or norkies or zionist terorrists or turkeys just haven't got manufacturing capabilities so they mostly import parts assemble products and that's why iran or turkey can't go after nukes icbm and anti satellite missiles in the open. otherwise embargo will expose their so called indigenous production like i had predicted earlier.


We should next have a 5th arm....a battalion of Ah Bengs shouting bad language about mothers to destroy our enemies.