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Sabah and Sarawak wants 1/3 of Dewan Rakyat seats in Malaysia



Top law officials to discuss one-third Dewan seat demand​

FMT Reporters
-14 Oct 2024, 11:39 PM

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said officials of the federal and state attorney-general’s departments would discuss the legal aspects of the demand.

PETALING JAYA: The top legal officials of the federal government and the Sabah and Sarawak state governments are to hold discussions on the demand for Sabah and Sarawak to be allocated one-third of seats in the Dewan Rakyat.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said officers of the federal and state attorney-general’s departments would focus on the legal aspects of the demand.

In a written reply to Ali Biju (PN-Saratok) in the Dewan Rakyat, he said the Malaysia Agreement 1963 implementation action council had agreed on the matter when it met last month.

The current Dewan Rakyat comprises 222 members, with 25 from Sabah and 31 from Sarawak for a combined 25.2% share of voting power.

Sarawak premier Abang Johari Openg has said that having one-third representation would be crucial for the Borneo states to prevent the federal government from trying to nullify the provisions of MA63.

When Malaysia was formed in 1963, Malaya was allocated 105 of the 160 seats in the Dewan Rakyat (representing 65% of the House), with Sarawak holding 24 seats, Sabah, 16, and Singapore, 15. The ratio of 65:35 ensured that the non-Malayan states had veto power in the Dewan Rakyat.

However, when Singapore left the federation in 1965, the non-Malayan share dropped to 28.3%.

Last year, deputy prime minister Fadillah Yusof said it may take two to three years before Sabah and Sarawak can be allocated one-third of the Dewan Rakyat seats.


Alfrescian (Inf)
the Malay votes are split 3 ways. Anwar depends on Chinese DAP and Sabah, Sarawak parties to hold on to power next GE.

syed putra

Stupid Melayu hunger for wealth and power. PN/PAS shld join forces with Anwar. Kick DAP out. Bring in MCA.
All of them wants to be PM. They know if they join forces, only one can be in that position, and the rest will be annihilated. Look at muhyiddin now. Being investigated and charged for all kinds of abuses.


can't kick DAP out. they have very high Chinese support and won almost all the Chinese designated seats last election.

Excluding DAP 40 seats, combination of PAS, PN and PKR. Cukup. Can form a govt. Anwar and Muhy can take turm as premier. Stupid melayu tak bersatu.

syed putra

Excluding DAP 40 seats, combination of PAS, PN and PKR. Cukup. Can form a govt. Anwar and Muhy can take turm as premier. Stupid melayu tak bersatu.
If Anwar is honourable abdvregirmust as he said he was, post of PM should go to biggest party.
Previous election, the agung called anwars wife and offered her to form the government first as her party got the most seat . But she declined and made way fur Dr M.
This election, both sides claimed to have the most seats. At that time both failed to get majority. Sabah and Sarawak decided to back anwar. That was how he became PM. Unfortunately, the reforms he promised did not come. Instead, Malays are bombarded with more religion.