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Sabah and sarawak protest in bukit bintang. Wants a independent state like palestine.


Sabah, Sarawak, Penang and Johor should all combine to demonstrate for independence and see what Anwar can do. If Johor is involved, I'm sure the present King will not interfere because from behind the scenes, he had always favoured an Independent Johor.

syed putra

Sabah, Sarawak, Penang and Johor all should combine to demonstrate for independence and see what Anwar can do. If Johor is involved, I'm sure the present King will not interfere because from behind the scenes, he had always favoured an Independent Johor.
Penang should be returned to its rightful state. Kedah.

Flying Horse

Please do more....

Best they start boycott more amdk companies
Do you seriously think this is a "protest" by simply reading the headline ? First and foremost, do you understand the Malay language ? If not let me do the translation for you. Original text :
Wah ramai dan meriahnya perarakan budaya Borneo dekat Bukit Bintang semalam.

Best jadi rakyat Malaysia kan sebab kita dapat belajar budaya bangsa lain. Kita patut berbangga jadi rakyat Malaysia . Walaupun Malaysia mempunyai rakyat yang berbilang kaum dan agama, tapi kita tetap hidup harmoni dan hormat antara satu sama lain. ❤️ English Translation :
Wow, how crowded and lively was the Borneo cultural parade near Bukit Bintang yesterday.

It's best to be a Malaysian because we can learn the culture of other nations. We should be proud to be Malaysians . Although Malaysia has people of many races and religions, we still live in harmony and respect each other. ❤️


Do you seriously think this is a "protest" by simply reading the headline ? First and foremost, do you understand the Malay language ? If not let me do the translation for you. Original text :
Wah ramai dan meriahnya perarakan budaya Borneo dekat Bukit Bintang semalam.

Best jadi rakyat Malaysia kan sebab kita dapat belajar budaya bangsa lain. Kita patut berbangga jadi rakyat Malaysia . Walaupun Malaysia mempunyai rakyat yang berbilang kaum dan agama, tapi kita tetap hidup harmoni dan hormat antara satu sama lain. ❤️ English Translation :
Wow, how crowded and lively was the Borneo cultural parade near Bukit Bintang yesterday.

It's best to be a Malaysian because we can learn the culture of other nations. We should be proud to be Malaysians . Although Malaysia has people of many races and religions, we still live in harmony and respect each other. ❤️
R u saying the headline is misleading? Our bahasa melayu take jalan leh.

syed putra

What is Riau Islands ? Please let me know it Batam and Bintan are considered as Riau Island
Kepulauan Riau. Or they shortened it. To Kepri. includes batam and bintan, Karimun, natuna, anambas, lingga.... Plus Riau province on Sumatra island.
