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[S] - Sec 1 SYT girl kena tight-slapped by 6 student bullies hundreds of times until her eardrum ruptures, permanent deafness in 1 ear


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


A Singaporean

Fucking coolie gene Sinkies with their retard kids. As usual the useless spf is not doing anything and will leave it to the principal. What authority has the principal ? Can he send the retards to jail ?


not surprising where these little fuckers are born and bred. You can tell who their parents are from a mile a way. The only time I would slam on my accelerator illegally when I am driving in Sg, is when i see fucking bengs and lians pretending to be parents to their baby bastards while jaywalking across the road.
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The incident happened during lunch break, when the girl was asked by a female senior to meet her at the void deck of Block 541 Pasir Ris Street 51, which is near the school.

Six students – four boys and two girls – were waiting for the Secondary 1 girl, her father Zhou Yue Liang told Lianhe Zhaobao.

Called "water" only 4 boys and 2 girls, knnccb, simi LJ gangster is this?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Feral children raised by trashy single mothers. They must have vented their frustration on that schoolgirl after seeing/hearing their mothers getting banged by different uncles every weekend. :unsure: