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RWS Sabotages Gamblers' Bladders!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 24 Mar 2010
So hard to find toilet at Resorts World


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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A STOMPer had difficult time finding a toilet when he was at Resorts World Sentosa, and said that the long journey to the toilet might bring him bad luck.

Said the STOMPer:

"Looking for a toilet at Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

"As I had to answer the call of nature, I started looking around for the usual signboard that tells you which direction to head for.

"Suddenly I saw this notice with an arrow head and the words LIFT TO CASINO.

"Below the words were the symbols, female, male, wheelchair, mother and baby.

"I thought to myself that the lift and the toilets could be at the end of the corridor.

"When I reached the lift lobby I saw the words PLEASE TAKE LIFT TO L2.

"Also indicated were an arrow, and the symbols for female, male and wheelchair.

"After taking the lift to L2, lo and behold, I finally found the toilets.

"Since our RWS casino is reputed to be world class, there should be toilets on every level and not just on level 2.

"Outside the main entrance of the casino is a big ATM room with clearly marked arrows to tell gamblers where to replenish their wallets.

"My 'feng shui' friend told me that when my luck is good and I need to use the toilet, the long journey to the toilet and the return journey will sever my chain of luck."



Keywords: feng shui , Resorts World
"My 'feng shui' friend told me that when my luck is good and I need to use the toilet, the long journey to the toilet and the return journey will sever my chain of luck."

Is Stomper expecting the casino to build the layout to enhance the feng shui of gamblers to win all casino's money ?

Never knew casino is like a charity.
Aiyah! want to gamble do not know how to take evasive action...wear adults pampers lah!..can shit & pee inside!! no need to tale lift to level two & in am emergency pee in the lift..:D