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Russkie soldier puts his comrade out of his misery : mercy killing


Old Fart
I will never allow myself to participate in a war. Sacrificing your life for stupid politicians' rubbish and ego. If I am forced to do it, I will shoot and kill those politicians first.
What if it's a just war? Or maybe there is no such thing?
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syed putra

This war is unnecessary. But US neo cons pushed Russia into a corner and v refused negotiations.
US is a war monger rogue state. And many veterans are now speaking out against US hostile policies.

syed putra

There is this saying, when old men quarrel, young men die. But in this war, Ukraine is fighting in self defence.
Ukraine if fighting a proxy war on behalf of its master.
Those 4 oblast now under Russian control used to be part of Russia before Nikolai Krushchev, who was born there,decided to alienate the areas, together with Crimea, to Ukraine when both was under USSR.