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Russian chiobu DPR parliament deputy Maria Pirogova got blown up


Old Fart

Russia’s DPR parliament deputy Maria Pirogova dies during Donetsk shelling​

By Matthew Roscoe • 06 December 2022 • 14:25


Russia's DPR parliament deputy Maria Pirogova dies during Donetsk shelling. Image: Denis Pushilin/Telegram

THE deputy of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Maria Pirogova, has died during a shelling attack from Ukraine, as reported on Tuesday, December 6.​

DPR leader Denis Pushilin, who recently wished the people of the Donetsk People’s Republic a happy Flag Day, announced that Maria Pirogova, a member of the People’s Council, had been killed in battle.

“Today, Donetsk is once again experiencing a terrible day. Information is constantly coming in about the dead, the number of victims is growing…” he wrote on his Telegram channel.

“I just found out that Maria Pirogova, a member of the People’s Council, a volunteer, was killed. Masha! I can’t believe it…”

He added: “She was the epitome of kindness. The person with the big letter. She helped everybody, she never passed by other’s troubles. Her energy, her talent to do good was enough for everyone. As if she hurried to live.

“Last year she graduated from the Donetsk Academy of Music as a jazz vocalist and wrote her own music.

“In 2014, when she was only 21, she started helping people. She collected things, delivered them to people in need, and was not afraid to go to the most dangerous places to help others.



Old Fart
Her body can be seen in front of the blown up car. Some believe it was a car bomb, and not a shelling.
