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Russian army to be replenished with 400,000 new contract service personnel


For what?



only proves that russkie chicks will be aplenty, without mates, and looking for love outside russia. piak ah!
That is definitely 100% true.. Same thing goes for the Ukrainian chix too. It's a pity that so many young males from these 2 countries are being forced to fight in a meaningless war for the sake of Putin n Zelensky!

syed putra

Since the understanding of not expanding eastward nato was not honored, putin might as well march all the way to berlin!


Alfrescian (Inf)
That is definitely 100% true.. Same thing goes for the Ukrainian chix too. It's a pity that so many young males from these 2 countries are being forced to fight in a meaningless war for the sake of Putin n Zelensky!
he should have gone into africa to reduce the nigger population. instead he’s reducing the angmoh population. angmoh and far easterner populations are already declining due to aging and lack of babies. putin is a fucking moron when it cums to future projections. without more angmohs and far easterners, niggers, shitskins, and brownies will overtake every other races and ethnicities on earth, bringing down wealth, advancements, iq, and all the human progress that’s being made the last 6.9 centuries. losers and dependents will rule the earth 69 years from now. the real war is in securing a modern sustainable advanced happy future balanced by a healthy racial mix. and putin is hastening the misery and dire conditions. i don’t wish to be reborn after this life. either cum back as 3rd world nigger or brownie. very depressing.


After this war and the dust has settled on it, we will see who are the idiots that cannot see through the fog of war nor read between the lines and discern propaganda from reality.


he should have gone into africa to reduce the nigger population. instead he’s reducing the angmoh population. angmoh and far easterner populations are already declining due to aging and lack of babies. putin is a fucking moron when it cums to future projections. without more angmohs and far easterners, niggers, shitskins, and brownies will overtake every other races and ethnicities on earth, bringing down wealth, advancements, iq, and all the human progress that’s being made the last 6.9 centuries. losers and dependents will rule the earth 69 years from now. the real war is in securing a modern sustainable advanced happy future balanced by a healthy racial mix. and putin is hastening the misery and dire conditions. i don’t wish to be reborn after this life. either cum back as 3rd world nigger or brownie. very depressing.
This is so true....Low IQs blackies n brownies belonging to that violent peaceful religion are breeding like guinea pigs n worse thing is they're migrating to the west...
Very soon the world will be on a decline with no new inventions....