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Russia says Nordstream 2 pipe destroyed by UK


Alfrescian (Inf)
These are your culprits.


syed putra

Whoever did it, does not want a united europe.
A europe with russia extends from the atlantic to the pacific. Who knows how many time zones required.
Equal in strength financislly, militarily and technologically.
That is why by hook or by crook, they need to stop europe becoming too friendly to russia.
Right now, europe remains under US control and by the looks of it, will continue doing so.
But the people in europe can see that their gomen are not protecting their interest,
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red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
United Europe is a pipe dream. As long as US is in existent they won’t allow. A split Europe works to their advantage.


Karma is a Bitch ... it will come back & bite off, that day is coming fast
USA is just 600 years of history, its really nothing compared to China


Alfrescian (Inf)
Karma is a Bitch ... it will come back & bite off, that day is coming fast
USA is just 600 years of history, its really nothing compared to China
china has 6.9k years of being invaded, subjugated, fucked, raped, and massacred. majority of tiongs today are not pure han ren but bastards of mongols, jurchens, and manchus.