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Russia continues to pound Ukraine as both sides plan more talks


Lieutenant General
Russian forces continued their bombardment of Ukrainian cities early Tuesday ahead of another planned round of diplomatic talks between the two sides.

Before dawn on Tuesday, large explosions thundered across Kyiv. Homes and residential buildings in the capital city were damaged and set ablaze in the latest round of attacks.

A US official had told The Associated Press that Russian troops are still about 9 miles from the center of Kyiv.

A day earlier, Ukrainian authorities said two people were killed when the Russians struck an airplane factory in Kyiv.

The Antonov factory is Ukraine’s largest aircraft plant and produces many of the world’s biggest cargo planes.

Russian artillery fire on Monday also hit a nine-story apartment building in the northern Obolonskyi district of Kyiv, killing two more people, authorities said.

The two sides also negotiated Monday for several hours without a breakthrough, but some optimism has been expressed.

More at https://nypost.com/2022/03/15/russia-lights-ukraine-on-fire-as-negotiations-talks-continue/


Fake war, demolition fire crakers bombs used like the fake 911. After 911 specialist demolition of 2 steel frames buildings can be destroyed by a small plane carry jet fuel was a fucking joke of this century.... jet fuel can bring down 3 steel frames buildings? Fuck off.

Nobody believe any new war started by US Hollywood movies used fake actors and POTUS and army..... demolition fire cracker bombs... after 911..