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Runaway convert appears in Florida family court


Runaway convert appears in Florida family court
Published: September 03, 2009, 22:55

Orlando: A teenager who fled her Ohio home after converting from Islam to Christianity was to go before a judge on Thursday, who will decide whether she stays in Florida or returns home. A custody hearing for 17-year-old Rifqa Bary was scheduled in family court.

She ran away in July, saying she feared being killed for changing religion.

Her parents say they have never threatened her and they want her home. The family immigrated from Sri Lanka in 2000.

Police used phone and computer records to track her to the Reverand Blake Lorenz, pastor of the Global Revolution Church. Authorities say Bary met him through a Facebook prayer group. Bary has been placed in a foster family and wants to stay with them.


scary....people neber got kill for switching from christianity to muslim or buddhism...or hinduism...

moral of the story...dun get into the shit in the first place..

islam tidak menghormati wanita.

jika hal pertama yang selepas anda mati dan pergi ke syurga, adalah menikmati persetubuhan dengan 72 perawan, i think ada sesuatu yang salah dengan agama ..

itu bagaimana suci bisa terjadi?