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RUDE & VIOLENT Taiwanese Security Guard at Hot Tour Spot WHACK TOUR GUIDE secrious injury! Bai-Kia-Bouncer? Thug Security!?

democracy my butt


陸客團遊野柳爆衝突 導遊遭保全痛毆「打破頭」


5.4k 人追蹤

2018年10月31日 下午6:43



在現場影片可以看到,保全不斷出拳對林姓導遊狂毆,且一路追打,甚至還將導遊整個人拖去撞礁岩,導致他重摔在地渾身是血,保全仍不罷休!導遊最後跌倒在地,旁邊不少仗義執言的遊客也出面大聲制止,「STOP!」、「Are you crazy!」且表示要叫警察,對方才停手,隨後警察也到達現場,並將受傷的導遊送醫治療。




◎拒絕暴力 請撥打113


◎尊重身體自主權 請撥打113、110
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The Luke Group traveled wild and blasted. The tour guide was saved and smashed.
[TVBS News Network]
TVBS News Network
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October 31, 2018, 6:43 PM
Lin’s tour guide was defeated by Yeliu Geopark. Figure / TVBS
Lin’s tour guide was defeated by Yeliu Geopark. Figure / TVBS

Yesterday (30th) afternoon, a blood-splattering incident occurred in Yeliu Geopark. The mainland Guangxi tour group went to Yeliu Geopark. The suspects were in a bad tone due to the maintenance of the queue. The tour guides protested that the two sides had a squabble and the preservation was more directly in the scenic spot. In the big fight, even the tour guide was dragged to hit the reef, the tour guide was hit by multiple traumatic blood spatters, and the two sides exchanged damage and hindered reputation afterwards!

In the live video, you can see that the security is constantly punching and screaming at the forest guide, and chasing all the way, even dragging the tour guide to the rock, causing him to fall into the ground and blood, and still not to stop! The tour guide finally fell to the ground, and many tourists who were talking about it also stopped loudly, "STOP!", "Are you crazy!" and said that they had to call the police, the other party stopped, then the police arrived at the scene and the injured guide Send medical treatment.

The north coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic Area, which belongs to Yeliu Geopark, said that it is understood that Lin’s tour guide was led by the group members in the front of the Queen’s head, and was stopped by Cai’s surname. The tour guide immediately uttered insults and returned according to the procedure. After the two sides continued to quarrel, the loss of control to push the Lin family tour guide, after the two sides to control the damage and nuisance reputation!

In response to this incident, Yehliu Geopark also apologized to the public, saying that it would punish the relevant personnel, be responsible for the medical expenses and appeasement of the injured, try to achieve reconciliation, and also said that it will strengthen staff training.

"TVBS" reminds you:

◎Refuse violence. Please call 113

◎ Anti-bullying line: 0800-200-885

◎ Respect for autonomy, please call 113, 110

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