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RM125bil worth of lanthanide deposits found in Kelantan


If Its alreadu there. Might as well take it out.
Chinese DAP making a big fuss over lynas rare earth processing plant. Want it closed on order from xi jinping.
yes, several political parties are backed by China. Otherwise how do you think China can have the huge port and land parcels in Melaka, projects in Penang and Johor?


Alfrescian (Inf)
what about 69b liters worth of sinkie lanjiaonide (a.k.a. semen) deposited and never recovered in hatyai and bangcock for the last 69 years?

syed putra

yes, several political parties are backed by China. Otherwise how do you think China can have the huge port and land parcels in Melaka, projects in Penang and Johor?
Thats because you cannot beat them on price. I dunno how they can outbid everyone else. China is slowly unsurping the western msnufacturing base. Only way is to start own manufacturing in china, which is what europe have been doing since 1980's starting with VW.