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richest royalties all going broke, LEEs beggars soon



Queen Elizabeth's cash crisis: Monarch 'down to last million'
Published January 28, 2014FoxNews.com

June 2, 2012: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip arrive for the Epsom Derby at Epsom race course, southern England at the start of four-day Diamond Jubilee celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne.
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is apparently one royal who is no longer flush.

According to The Daily Telegraph, a report by the House of Commons' Public Accounts Committee has found that the Queen's financial reserves have reached a "historic low," dwindling to 1 million pounds ($1.66 million) from 35 million pounds ($58 million) in 2001.*

The Committee's report has placed the blame squarely on the Queen's advisers for overspending in a manner out of line with the austerity measures that have been adopted by Prime Minister David Cameron's government. According to the Telegraph, the royal household only managed 5 percent efficiency savings over the past five years, while some British government departments have cut their budgets by up to 33 percent. In the 2012-13 fiscal year, the report found that the royal household received 31 million pounds ($51.4 million) in taxpayer funds, but spent 33.3 million ($55.2 million), dipping into the reserves in the process.*

Margaret Hodge, a Labour MP who chaired the committee, told Sky News that the financial mismanagement has resulted in two of the Queen's most famous residences falling into disrepair, with no contingency plant to pay for the backlog of repairs.*

"Forty percent of [the royal estate] needs something doing to it," Hodge said. "The boilers at Buckingham Palace haven't been replaced for 60 years. Windsor Castle has problems with the bedrooms and the Royal Picture Gallery has buckets to catch the water coming through."

Hodge also called on the Treasury to "be actively involved in reviewing the Household's financial planning and management," which she claimed it has failed to do.*

A Buckingham Palace spokesman the Telegraph that repairing the royal palaces was "a significant financial priority" and claimed that the royal household had doubled its income since 2007.*

Click for more from the Daily Telegraph

Click for more from Sky News


Alfrescian (Inf)

Queen Elizabeth's cash crisis: Monarch 'down to last million'
Published January 28, 2014FoxNews.com

Click for more from Sky News




8 ingenious ways the Queen could raise money to fix up Buckingham Palace
Jan 28, 2014 13:111
She's down to her last £1million cash and the boilers are 60 years out of date. But FleetStreetFox has some helpful suggestions

The Queen is broke.

Well, not broke-broke –* she still has £1million left, *which for anyone except Lotto Lout* Mikey Carroll *would be more than enough to get by on.

She has also – get this – been* guaranteed *a* £5m pay-rise *this year. She’s not even racing stock cars around the Buckingham Palace garden and wasting it all on crack and hookers. How is £36m a year not enough?

Well, she does have a lot of houses. And they’re all pretty old. And some say that with a real-terms cut in the money she’s given by us every year, they’ve been living ‘hand-to-mouth’ and not been able to afford basic maintenance.

(‘Hand-to-mouth’ includes banquets with lobster and silver cutlery and* paying for Prince Andrew to swan about pretending to do a job he’s been asked to stop doing; *it’s different for Royals ).

According to the* Public Accounts Committee *the boilers are 60 years out of date, there’s asbestos in the basements, and the main palace should be renamed Bucket Palace because the picture galleries are filled with them every time it rains.

Would we force any other 87-year-old woman to live in those conditions? No, we would not.

And these are our houses too – they belong to the nation. They’re part of our heritage, our tourist industry, and they need to be brought up to scratch.

Unfortunately none of this is up to us. We hand £36m a year to the Royal Household, which spends it as it sees fit.

It sees fit to pay its lower staff minimal rates - £14,000 for a maid, £15,000 for a trainee butler – while the* man in charge of the finances apparently gets £188,000.

It pays for* £35,000 for Prince Charles to take the train *to visit Northumbria and* £50,000 to take nine people around the country to promote, bizarrely, bicycling.

And, for some reason, the asbestos stays in the basement while £50m of repairs are allowed to back up over decades.

And at the same time, the Queen is overspending by about £2m a year.

The PAC says Her Majesty has been badly let down by her treasurers. Perhaps. If so, we really are all in it together because most of her subjects feel the same about those in control of our finances .

It also proves once and for all that giving tax breaks to the wealthy is no guarantee of economic success –* whatever her cousin David Cameron says.

But the thought occurs – what’s she spending it on?

She’s not paying her staff much. She’s not fixing the roof. She insists on a private train that costs £52 a mile. She turns off the lights and* gets annoyed when police officers whose job it is to take a bullet for her eat the Bombay mix.

She must be spending the lot on the horses. There’s nothing else left.

What we’ve got here is a very posh version of Benefits Street .

If any other 87-year-old woman in a crumbling house paid for by the state was avoiding essential maintenance while somehow overspending her household budget by 106 per cent, Channel 4 would have a documentary crew round there in less time than it takes to say ‘string of complaints’.

And for that reason, the PAC has suggested Brenda and her brood get their heads down and come up with ways to make or save money , like renting out state rooms for corporate do’s.

In the spirit of wanting to be helpful, here are a few suggestions:

Bucket Palace is opened for just two months a year to the public – I reckon we can do weekends all-year-round, when the Royals are elsewhere, and they usually spend a month in Norfolk at Christmas. Open it up, employ more people, let Yanks bounce up and down on the beds, that’s an easy £10m a year. It’s only an office anyway.
Become a hard-working wealth creator and move all assets offshore. Best not choose Greece, whatever Philip has to say on the matter. How about Germany? Bound to be some relatives who can sort out non-dom status.
Every other struggling, asset-rich, cash-poor national institution gets sold off. Why not the Royals? The French and the Russians are both in the market for some aristocrats…
Put Prince Harry out to stud. You’d make a fortune and as a bonus ginger children would suddenly be fashionable.
Put Princess Anne in charge of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Not only would every banker be terrified of doing anything wrong, not only is she no-nonsense and a stickler for the rules ( apart from the speed limit *and* control of her own dogs ), but her idea of an annual bonus is an extra sugar lump. Put her in charge of RBS and you can guarantee they’ll behave themselves.
Let Prince William go back to being a search and rescue pilot. We spent £800,000 training him, and because of a very silly decision to privatise the service he resigned before we got the full benefit. Saving people’s lives is a good thing,* he owes us £400,000 in training costs still, and he’s got bugger all else to do.
Employ Pippa Middleton as a tour guide. This way huge crowds of people can follow her around while staring at her arse and it won’t be in any way unreasonable.
Retrain Prince Edward as a surgeon who can remove appendices. One useless example of the human evolutionary process saving people from another; the irony would be as beautiful as the lives saved.
I’m struggling to think of a purpose for the rest of them, frankly. Prince Charles is sort of freelance anyway, and* Kate couldn’t hold down a full-time job before she was Royal, *never mind now. She needs a sick note and a few good meals first.

As for Andrew, or Camilla, they’re about as useful as Linda Nolan and Jim Davidson. By Prince George, that’s it!

Any of the Royals who can’t land work can go into the Big Brother house , play out their spats and petty grievances for a paying audience, chuck in a few corgis on roller skates, and we’ll syndicate it worldwide.

If she did all those things, the Queen could have Bucket Palace fixed up by next winter and a few million left over to blow on the gee-gees.

Failing that, of course, she could sack her treasurer, employ someone who knows what they’re doing and try a more practical kind of frugality which lets coppers eat peanuts and doesn’t give anyone a risk of fatal lung disease, and find a way to scrape by on £36m a year.

Or else she could try whining about how little she gets* just two months before there’s a decision about what she’ll be paid next year.

That might work, too. But wouldn’t it be better if it didn’t?



Queen Elizabeth is hurting for money
Compiled by Tony Hicks

Contra Costa Times

POSTED: * 01/28/2014 01:14:45 PM PST | UPDATED: * ABOUT 21 HOURS AGO

If you visit England anytime soon and see a lady on a street corner holding an upside down crown, toss in some change. She may need it.

Queen Elizabeth II is down to her last $1.6 million, according to a Jan. 27 report from the Commons Public Accounts Committee.

Boy, things sure have changed. Whatever happened to sending out a few thousand soldiers to plunder the countryside?

The Queen's reserve fund has fallen from £35million ($58 million) in 2001 to just £1million ($1.6 million) in 2014. The report states the royal family is "spending above their means and dipping into the reserves ... the balance now stands at an all-time low."

You know, celebrities can make an awful lot of money doing those autograph shows ...

This is a Sunday, Nov. 10, 2013 file photo of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II as she listens during the service of remembrance at the Cenotaph in Whitehall, London. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
The report also says a number of palaces are in "dangerous or deteriorating" conditions. Forty percent of them, in fact, are "below acceptable standards." Apparently the Queen knows there's an $82 million backlog in repairs due to tightened government funding.

That must be an awful feeling, knowing that 40 percent of your palaces need fixing up.

Taxpayers fund the royal palaces in Britain, comprised of more than 300 -- 300! -- buildings. In 2013, the public spent about £31 million ($51 million) renovating and operating the facilities.

According to E!, the report urged the treasury to "get a grip" and help the royal family to prevent "further damage and deterioration."

Get a grip, indeed.

According to the report, royal staff members have been forced to catch rain in buckets to protect art and antiquities in some locations. Queen Elizabeth II's "antiquated" boilers are more than 60 years old.


Contact Tony Hicks at Facebook.com/BayAreaNewsGroup.TonyHicks or Twitter.com/insertfoot.


conflicting news, leh... here it says she is damn rich:

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</header>[h=2]Net Worth: $500 Million[/h]Financial Breakdown

  • Source of WealthProperty, Art & Jewelry collections
  • Age87 years old
  • Birth PlaceMayfair, United Kingdom
  • Height5' 4" (1.63 m)
  • Marital StatusMarried (Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh)
  • Full NameElizabeth Alexandra Mary
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Queen Elizabeth II net worth: Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, 86, has a personal net worth of $500 million as of April 2012, according to Sunday Times Rich List. The queen’s wealth comes from property holdings including Balmoral Castle in the Scottish Highlands, stud farms, a fruit farm and marine land throughout the U.K.; extensive art and fine jewelry; and one of the world’s largest stamp collections built by her grandfather. Not included are those assets belonging to the Crown Estate, which she gets to enjoy as Queen, such as $10 billion worth of real estate, Buckingham Palace (estimated to be worth another $5 billion), the Royal Art collection, and unmarked swans on stretches of the Thames. The Crown has claimed ownership of these birds since the 12th century when swan meat was considered a delicacy; they are no longer eaten.
The Queen also receives an annual government stipend of $12.9 million. Because most of her wealth is tied to her position and not hers personally – in otherwords, she could never sell the royal assets. The queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012 marks her 60 years on the throne, with celebrations throughout her realms.




U.K. lawmakers tell Queen to cut expenses
By James O'Toole* @jtotoole January 28, 2014: 6:06 PM ET

Silly hat expenditures remain robust.
The Queen may have to get her next crown at the local second-hand store.
U.K. lawmakers issued a report Tuesday criticizing the management of the British monarch's finances, calling for the Royal Household to cut expenses and improve its budget management.

"The Queen has not been served well by the Household and by the Treasury, which is responsible for effective scrutiny of the Household's financial planning and management," House of Commons MP Margaret Hodge said.
The rebuke comes as average Britons contend with harsh austerity measures aimed at shrinking the country's debt.
The British government announced a new round of spending cuts earlier this month, with the goal of slashing spending by about $100 billion over the next four years. Around half of the cuts will hit welfare programs, putting more strain on some of the country's most vulnerable residents.
Related: JPMorgan's Dimon gets pay hike despite legal woes
Tuesday's report noted that the Royal Household spent over $55 million in the 2012-13 budget period, exceeding its funding allocation by $3.8 million and forcing it to dip into reserves.
The lawmakers called on the palace to find cost efficiencies and do a better job of maintaining its historic properties.
"Back in March 2012, 39% of the Royal estate was assessed as below what the Household deemed to be an acceptable condition," Hodge said. "Now it is likely to be worse, with some properties in a dangerous or deteriorating condition."

First Published: January 28, 2014: 5:21 PM ET