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Rich sugar mummy willing to pay $4K per day for toy boy....gigolos assemble!




Tony Tan

The better to stroke my huge cock. :biggrin:

Wrong FYI, it is always small hands good for HJ.

Small hands can rotate around and spin around and actually have more length to stroke.

If hand size bigger than dick then almost nothing to stroke already. If hand equal to dick length also nothing much to stroke. Hands small and dick big, then and slide very long stroke, Squeeze and push the blood up and down and feels a lot more exciting.


Old Fart
Wrong FYI, it is always small hands good for HJ.

Small hands can rotate around and spin around and actually have more length to stroke.

If hand size bigger than dick then almost nothing to stroke already. If hand equal to dick length also nothing much to stroke. Hands small and dick big, then and slide very long stroke, Squeeze and push the blood up and down and feels a lot more exciting.
You make a valid point. Thank you. :thumbsup::biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
You make a valid point. Thank you. :thumbsup::biggrin:

Wrong FYI, it is always small hands good for HJ.

Small hands can rotate around and spin around and actually have more length to stroke.

If hand size bigger than dick then almost nothing to stroke already. If hand equal to dick length also nothing much to stroke. Hands small and dick big, then and slide very long stroke, Squeeze and push the blood up and down and feels a lot more exciting.

Spoken like a real sexpert! :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Actually, why the fuss about this?

In 淮海路 area, I have been to a KTV which caters to rich tais tais. The papasan will bring and parade the tall and handsome 小鲜肉 boys, usually from poorer parts of China to the tais tais. After that, like KTV in the reverse, drink with the tais tais lor..:biggrin:


Wrong FYI, it is always small hands good for HJ.

Small hands can rotate around and spin around and actually have more length to stroke.

If hand size bigger than dick then almost nothing to stroke already. If hand equal to dick length also nothing much to stroke. Hands small and dick big, then and slide very long stroke, Squeeze and push the blood up and down and feels a lot more exciting.

no wonder you like GUYS with small hands...............