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Serious reusable vs disposable face mask discussion


1. in term of covid-19 protection, which is better or they are same?
2. which one is more sustainable if the situation dragged beyond june?
3. how to probably use?


Do Social distancing correctly, mask is to protect sneezing or cough... if 99% of everyone in good health mask is a secondary protection against the 1%.

Learn how to duck a sneeze or cough, practice turn your head away quick as possible and duck and step away...

Simmer yr mask with warm water or add spring onion to the water.

Air to dry the mask....

Dont scrub the mask just pad wipe gently not to break the fibre.

Take a few piece of toilet paper between mask and nose.

Brush yr teeth or resin yr mouth well. Smelly mouth stained the mask make u sick not from virus but shit from what u hv just eaten or lick cb cunt...

Tioboh Hope this helps...
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Do Social distancing correctly, mask is to protect sneezing or cough... if 99% of everyone in good health mask is a secondary protection against the 1%.

Learn how to duck a sneeze or cough, practice turn your head away quick as possible and duck and step away...

Simmer yr mask with warm water or add spring onion to the water.

Air to dry the mask....

Dont scrub the mask just pad wipe gently not to break the fibre.

Take a few piece of toilet paper between mask and nose.

Brush yr teeth or resin yr mouth well. Smelly mouth stained the mask make u sick nor from virus but shit from whay u hv just eaten or lick cb cunt...

Tioboh Hope this helps...
Why so troublesome?
Just soak the used surgical mask in dettol, hang dry, next day can reuse.


Do Social distancing correctly, mask is to protect sneezing or cough... if 99% of everyone in good health mask is a secondary protection against the 1%.

Learn how to duck a sneeze or cough, practice turn your head away quick as possible and duck and step away...

Simmer yr mask with warm water or add spring onion to the water.

Air to dry the mask....

Dont scrub the mask just pad wipe gently not to break the fibre.

Take a few piece of toilet paper between mask and nose.

Brush yr teeth or resin yr mouth well. Smelly mouth stained the mask make u sick nor from virus but shit from whay u hv just eaten or lick cb cunt...

Tioboh Hope this helps...
Great advises.


Super Moderator
Not even one mask advice. Please wear a mask.

These washable masks given by the gahmen looks like my undergarments. It offers nothing and little protection to the wearer except a false sense of security. Does trap some of the pathogens at the surface but as the vapors gather and moistened the cotton barrier, all is lost.

N95s is a better bet but again a waste of resources when not worn and fitted properly. How many folks can tahan a complete seal over a period of a couple of hours when outside of the house? Then calculate the number of N95s used each time a trip is made- better to stay at home.

Surgical masks also another joke, it doesn’t protect the wearer but protect others from the wearer. In case the wearer of that surgical mask is a carrier, the pathogens may be trapped on the inside of the mask as the wearer coughs or sneezes or talking in an agitated manner.

Bottomline- stay at home and read a book.

Oh... practice tantric sex also not a bad idea :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Super Moderator
Staff member
The mask works more to reduce the water's ability to spread covid19 than to protect the wearer from covid19.

Up to 50% of infected are asymptomatic and have no idea they have it and are in fact worried to catch it.

Hence if everyone wears a covering over the nose and mouth this will work to reduce the spread.

In other words wearing a mask has less to do with you thinking about protecting yourself but thinking about protecting others.

As you can see if everyone spares a thought and cares about other that eventually means you get cared for by others too.


Alfrescian (Inf)
1. in term of covid-19 protection, which is better or they are same?
2. which one is more sustainable if the situation dragged beyond june?
3. how to probably use?

China sent Pakistan a shipment of bras to be used as masks.... you should go to a female underwear shop immediately. I recommend La Senza or Victoria's Secret, both shops are opposite each other at Vivocity.




It is like asking can a paper napkin be washed and resued?

paper napkin is not made up of water resistant materials, whereas 3 ply surgical mask is. No way to wash and reuse paper napkin.

The free cloth mask is too thin to hold sprinkles of droplet. My friend's SGD $2 cloth mask is 3 times thicker.


Seriously, i would prefer to use water resistant underwear than the cheapo and useless cloth mask i received free from chan chun seng.

China sent Pakistan a shipment of bras to be used as masks.... you should go to a female underwear shop immediately. I recommend La Senza or Victoria's Secret, both shops are opposite each other at Vivocity.



Super Moderator
Staff member
paper napkin is not made up of water resistant materials, whereas 3 ply surgical mask is. No way to wash and reuse paper napkin.

The free cloth mask is too thin to hold sprinkles of droplet. My friend's SGD $2 cloth mask is 3 times thicker.
Use the $2 one.


Alfrescian (Inf)

It is like asking can a paper napkin be washed and resued?
nurses in californicate have been reusing n95 masks by keeping them in a paper bag after each use and airing them under the sun in their backyards when they arrive home. they rotate the process with a few masks instead of disposing them. this is because of an acute shortage of masks, visors, head coverings, and gowns.


Super Moderator
Staff member
nurses in californicate have been reusing n95 masks by keeping them in a paper bag after each use and airing them under the sun in their backyards when they arrive home. they rotate the process with a few masks instead of disposing them. this is because of an acute shortage of masks, visors, head coverings, and gowns.

Anyway it is very high chance many of the workers will get infected.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Anyway it is very high chance many of the workers will get infected.
yalor, bery siong. it’s like walking into a gas chamber every day every week for the last 2 months with no end in sight. the viral load is the worst in the admission wards when patients streaming in are coughing like chimneys. sure kena. burnt out and sextreme sexhaustion will knock them out besides getting infected.