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Retard Sinkie not happy that he has no savings. Who did his parents vote for ?


In a post on r/SingaporeFI, a Reddit forum, he explained that life hasn’t been easy for him, though he graduated from one of Singapore’s top three universities and entered the workforce five years ago.

So what, also kena left right up down center. . . who did this man vote for?


Sinkies should give up the citizenship and return as foreign talent. Life will be better.
You think pap will just accept your surrendering of citizenship just because you wanted to give up?

They would rather lock you up and make you a slave for them your whole life


Currently, the Singaporean works as a freelancer on weekdays and a delivery rider on weekends. His work as a delivery rider brings in about S$2,000 a month
Just delivery rider on weekend can fetch $2k. That is a lot. More than his freelance $6k on weekdays.
He should be quitting the freelance and go full gear with delivery.


I believe this cb gia is talking cock somewhere.
Weekday earn 6k weekend earn 2k total 8k and only give parents $400 and pay back some debts and bought some insurance . If that is the case even 10k also not enough to him.

More like 2k for freelance on weekdays and $400 on weekends for delivery.
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