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Replace the causeway with this bridge/ tunnel.


Crooked bridge all over again. Who will pay for it? Certainly not Singapore. And costs far outweigh benefits.

There can only be one compelling reason to justify the cost of the project: to allow ships to bypass the Singapore port. But the Straits of Johor is too shallow (12m), so it will end up being a white elephant.

syed putra

Crooked bridge all over again. Who will pay for it? Certainly not Singapore. And costs far outweigh benefits.

There can only be one compelling reason to justify the cost of the project: to allow ships to bypass the Singapore port. But the Straits of Johor is too shallow (12m), so it will end up being a white elephant.
Ships won't bypass sinkie you twit even after replacing causeway.
Nowhere else on the planet where a busy waterway is hindered by a causeway.


Crooked bridge all over again. Who will pay for it? Certainly not Singapore. And costs far outweigh benefits.

There can only be one compelling reason to justify the cost of the project: to allow ships to bypass the Singapore port. But the Straits of Johor is too shallow (12m), so it will end up being a white elephant.
It's for the setan...eh sorry....sultan to parade his yacht up and down the straits lah!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yeah....then BTO more HDBee Hardland New Villages for Greater Woodland
Singapore Causeway town, upcoming BTO application opened in 2025. Selling point, 10 miniutes walking distance to Jiu Hu malls where you can buy everything for a quarter cheaper than Singapore. More prime than our business district BTO.