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Repeat COVID Is Riskier Than First Infection, Study Finds


Repeat COVID Is Riskier Than First Infection, Study Finds
Nov 11, 2022 04:49 AM
By Nancy Lapid

The risk of death, hospitalization and serious health issues from COVID-19 jumps significantly with reinfection compared with a first bout with the virus, regardless of vaccination status, according to a study published on Thursday.

"Reinfection with COVID-19 increases the risk of both acute outcomes and long COVID," said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. "This was evident in unvaccinated, vaccinated and boosted people."

The findings were drawn from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs data collected from March 1, 2020 through April 6, 2022 on 443,588 patients with one SARS-CoV-2 infection, 40,947 with two or more infections, and 5.3 million noninfected individuals. Most of the study subjects were male.

Reinfected patients had a more than doubled risk of death and a more than tripled risk of hospitalization compared with those who were infected with COVID just once. They also had elevated risks for problems with lungs, heart, blood, kidneys, diabetes, mental health, bones and muscles, and neurological disorders, according to a report published in Nature Medicine.

"Even if one had prior infection and was vaccinated - meaning they had double immunity from prior infection plus vaccines - they are still susceptible to adverse outcomes upon reinfection," Al-Aly, the study leader, said.

People with repeat infections were more than three times more likely to develop lung problems, three times more likely to suffer heart conditions and 60% more likely to experience neurological disorders than patients who had been infected only once, the study found. The higher risks were most pronounced in the first month after reinfection but were still evident six months later.

The cumulative risks and burdens of repeat infection increased with the number of infections, even after accounting for differences in COVID-19 variants such as Delta, Omicron and BA.5, the researchers said.

"We had started seeing a lot of patients coming to the clinic with an air of invincibility," Al-Aly told Reuters. "They wondered, 'Does getting a reinfection really matter?' The answer is yes, it absolutely does."

Ahead of the fast approaching holiday season with travel and indoor gatherings, "people should be aware that reinfection is consequential and should take precautions," he added.

"We're not advising draconian measures, but maybe if you're going on a plane, wear a mask," Al-Aly said. "If you're in a supermarket, consider that the person near you may have a weak immune system, and if you wear a mask you might help to protect them."


Reinfection with COVID-19 increases the risk of both acute outcomes and long COVID," said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. "This was evident in unvaccinated, vaccinated and boosted people."
oh really? you are very used to making motherhood statement and get away with it? I never have any infection and healthier than ever. didn't wear mask or anything , even in MRT and buses. still cycle 100km almost daily and eating my delicious organic produce.

"We're not advising draconian measures, but maybe if you're going on a plane, wear a mask," Al-Aly said. "If you're in a supermarket, consider that the person near you may have a weak immune system, and if you wear a mask you might help to protect them."
If those who support mask really think the fucking mask protects you, and so worry about others who are not masking up, then FUCKING STAY AT HOME!!!! Your perceived fear and worries have nothing to do with others, it your own fucking problem.


Alfrescian (Inf)
"Even if one had prior infection and was vaccinated - meaning they had double immunity from prior infection plus vaccines - they are still susceptible to adverse outcomes upon reinfection," Al-Aly, the study leader, said.

Still hyping up those 'vaccines'... or should I call them experimental bioweapons? :cool:

I'm sure Al-Aly enjoys some pocket money given by Bill Gates. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
oh really? you are very used to making motherhood statement and get away with it? I never have any infection and healthier than ever. didn't wear mask or anything , even in MRT and buses. still cycle 100km almost daily and eating my delicious organic produce.

If those who support mask really think the fucking mask protects you, and so worry about others who are not masking up, then FUCKING STAY AT HOME!!!! Your perceived fear and worries have nothing to do with others, it your own fucking problem.

Those who still believe wearing a mask protects them are not very smart. :roflmao:

Assuming the Covid virus exists... virus how big? Your (non-N95) mask fabric's hole how big? And when you remove your mask to eat or drink, does the virus respectfully call for a timeout or coffee break and resumes its duty only after you have put back on the mask? :rolleyes:

If you want to be stupid please carry on. Don't spread your idiocy to your kids. I see small kids masked up while at a park or at a playground. You deplorable fucked up parents. :FU:


oh really? you are very used to making motherhood statement and get away with it? I never have any infection and healthier than ever. didn't wear mask or anything , even in MRT and buses. still cycle 100km almost daily and eating my delicious organic produce.

If those who support mask really think the fucking mask protects you, and so worry about others who are not masking up, then FUCKING STAY AT HOME!!!! Your perceived fear and worries have nothing to do with others, it your own fucking problem.
You sound triggered. I just loved it :roflmao:


Those who still believe wearing a mask protects them are not very smart. :roflmao:

Assuming the Covid virus exists... virus how big? Your (non-N95) mask fabric's hole how big? And when you remove your mask to eat or drink, does the virus respectfully call for a timeout or coffee break and resumes its duty only after you have put back on the mask? :rolleyes:

If you want to be stupid please carry on. Don't spread your idiocy to your kids. I see small kids masked up while at a park or at a playground. You deplorable fucked up parents. :FU:
and they still using that stinky hand sanitizer. That is like 2nd hand smoke. They dun realise the chemical in that stuff will get into their body. It actually pollute them rather than sanitise them, unless you are using something that is made from natural organic ingredients. I dun think a $2 bottle from 7-eleven are that organic.


I'm sure Al-Aly enjoys some pocket money given by Bill Gates. :wink:
not sure if he is getting that but it is worrisome that he is from university medical studies. the trust towards dr is getting lower day after day. maybe they should just stick to fixing bones and removing bullets from body. Leave the chronic disease to plant based medicine and practitioners.

They have been brainwashed to think that vaccine is a must thing to do to all human beings, which is soooo wrong. The cabal push and brainwash the doctors.


Old Fart
Repeat COVID Is Riskier Than First Infection, Study Finds
Nov 11, 2022 04:49 AM
By Nancy Lapid

The risk of death, hospitalization and serious health issues from COVID-19 jumps significantly with reinfection compared with a first bout with the virus, regardless of vaccination status, according to a study published on Thursday.

"Reinfection with COVID-19 increases the risk of both acute outcomes and long COVID," said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. "This was evident in unvaccinated, vaccinated and boosted people."

The findings were drawn from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs data collected from March 1, 2020 through April 6, 2022 on 443,588 patients with one SARS-CoV-2 infection, 40,947 with two or more infections, and 5.3 million noninfected individuals. Most of the study subjects were male.

Reinfected patients had a more than doubled risk of death and a more than tripled risk of hospitalization compared with those who were infected with COVID just once. They also had elevated risks for problems with lungs, heart, blood, kidneys, diabetes, mental health, bones and muscles, and neurological disorders, according to a report published in Nature Medicine.

"Even if one had prior infection and was vaccinated - meaning they had double immunity from prior infection plus vaccines - they are still susceptible to adverse outcomes upon reinfection," Al-Aly, the study leader, said.

People with repeat infections were more than three times more likely to develop lung problems, three times more likely to suffer heart conditions and 60% more likely to experience neurological disorders than patients who had been infected only once, the study found. The higher risks were most pronounced in the first month after reinfection but were still evident six months later.

The cumulative risks and burdens of repeat infection increased with the number of infections, even after accounting for differences in COVID-19 variants such as Delta, Omicron and BA.5, the researchers said.

"We had started seeing a lot of patients coming to the clinic with an air of invincibility," Al-Aly told Reuters. "They wondered, 'Does getting a reinfection really matter?' The answer is yes, it absolutely does."

Ahead of the fast approaching holiday season with travel and indoor gatherings, "people should be aware that reinfection is consequential and should take precautions," he added.

"We're not advising draconian measures, but maybe if you're going on a plane, wear a mask," Al-Aly said. "If you're in a supermarket, consider that the person near you may have a weak immune system, and if you wear a mask you might help to protect them."
This doesn't sound fun.:eek:


My logic is the very first shot already put yourself to danger.

I dunno but my sister bro in law took 2 Pfizer and got covid once in Feb 2022. Until now he took cpass test his antibodies is always 5k plus. I dunno if the mRNA is continuing producing antibodies after so long.


I dunno but my sister bro in law took 2 Pfizer and got covid once in Feb 2022. Until now he took cpass test his antibodies is always 5k plus. I dunno if the mRNA is continuing producing antibodies after so long.
Maybe he took the fake vaccine. I read that they mix the real with the fake ones so the death is not so obvious.




lets go and frighten some sheep today.....knnccb. what fucked research!!
common sense tells u that your body will be STRONGER not weaker after you got infected and recovered.