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Serious Rents For Queenstown HDB Now Reach $6500 Per Month! Exceed Bendemeer's $4500 per month Gao Gao! Landlords Huat Ah!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

HDB rents, as we all know, have been climbing up for the last couple of years.

And in yet another indication of the sizzling HDB rental market, one optimistic landlord has decided to ask for what seems quite impossible – a staggering $6,500 rent for a five-room HDB flat in Queenstown.

A screenshot of the advertisement, which was listed on PropertyGuru on Friday (Oct 28), was posted on Reddit by user Umhihello, who asked fellow Redditors — "Who will bite?"



Byebye Penis

property tax will spike in the next two years as Annual Value increases with higher rentals and resale prices.