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Chitchat Rental Cop Inspired By Sick 50 Shades Movie Arranged For Stranger To Rape His Gf! Guess Race?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
SINGAPORE: A former auxiliary police officer who arranged for his girlfriend to be raped by a stranger while she was bound and blindfolded was on Monday (Nov 26) sentenced to 23 years and 11 months in jail, along with 24 strokes of the cane.

The 27-year-old man, after watching erotic movie Fifty Shades of Grey, would engage in "soft bondage" sexual activities with his girlfriend of two years.

At one point, he floated the idea of a "threesome" - where another person joins the couple in sexual activity - but his girlfriend rejected the idea firmly.

To fulfil those fantasies, he conspired with a man he met online to have a "threesome" with his girlfriend without her knowledge, managing to do so on two occasions.

The parties involved cannot be named due to a court order to protect the identity of the 27-year-old victim.

The accused got to know his girlfriend, who was a nurse, through the online dating application Paktor in September 2014.

They began dating and engaged in regular sex, booking hotel rooms for this purpose, the court heard.

After watching Fifty Shades Of Grey, the accused became interested in bondage and asked his girlfriend to take part in such acts with him.

She was uncomfortable with the idea and rejected his request at first, but eventually relented after her boyfriend said they should try new things to "spice up" their relationship.

The victim would allow herself to be bound physically during their subsequent sexual interactions.

On top of this, the accused regularly filmed their sexual encounters, even though his girlfriend disliked the idea.


In August 2016, the victim arranged for a staycation at a hotel to celebrate the accused's birthday.

They had sex and fell asleep naked on the bed. Sometime later, the victim woke from her sleep to feel someone blindfolding her with an eye mask and tying her hands together loosely with a rope.

As the victim was used to such bondage play, she let herself be bound and blindfolded.

After this, she felt someone performing a sex act on her and assumed it was her boyfriend. As she was tired and sleepy, she began drifting in and out of sleep.

After some time, she felt someone penetrating her, and was shocked as she could tell that it was not her boyfriend.

She then felt a pair of hands holding her waist, while someone else adjusted her eye mask.

Realising that something was amiss, she tried to remove her eye mask, but her boyfriend asked her to go back to sleep, while someone kissed her face.

The victim was able to free her hands from the rope and pushed away the person kissing her.

Removing the eye mask, she realised in shock that there was another person in the room.

She was unable to see who the other person was as she was not wearing her glasses, but could make out from the silhouette that he was plump.

By the time she retrieved her spectacles and put them on, the other man had left the room.

She confronted her boyfriend and told him that the other man had raped her. She noticed that her boyfriend's laptop was switched on and that he had used it to record what had happened to her.

She asked him to play the videos he had recorded, and he eventually did so. The third clip showed a stranger raping her.

Shocked at what she had seen, she told her boyfriend: "This is clearly rape, do you know what you have done?"

He apologised profusely, claiming that it was carried out on the spur of the moment, and saying that he regretted it.

When she told him that she would be making a police report, the accused begged her not to do so, saying it would destroy his future.

The victim demanded that her boyfriend call his accomplice to return to the hotel.

She also informed hotel staff about what had happened, and they questioned the man when he returned to the hotel.

The accused and his accomplice, a 22-year-old unemployed man, were later arrested at the hotel.


Investigations revealed that the accused had arranged for his accomplice to rape his girlfriend on another occasion months before.

He had met the younger man on blogging site Tumblr in 2015, where they traded lurid details and photographs about their sexual conquests.

While chatting, the accused disclosed to the man that his sexual fantasy was to watch a third party have sex with his girlfriend.

On Apr 29 2016, the accused went to Hotel 81 in Bugis with his girlfriend.

In the room, the accused texted the man secretly and asked him to join them, leaving the door slightly ajar for him.

The man then sexually assaulted and raped the accused's girlfriend, who was blindfolded and had her hands bound with rope.

The accused pleaded guilty to two charges of abetment of rape and one count of abetment of sexual assault, with another 25 related charges taken into consideration for sentencing.

A doctor with the Institute of Mental Health examined the accused and found that he did not suffer from any form of mental disorder, and was aware of the nature of his actions at the time of the offences.

The prosecution had asked for a sentence of 25 years' jail and 24 strokes of the cane "to deter and denounce the accused's depraved conduct".

The case for the accused's accomplice has not been heard in court yet.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/new...rrange-stranger-rape-girlfriend-jail-10969664


namesake is 50shades of brown or dalit black?

"The man and his girlfriend both cannot be named to protect the woman’s identity. Srihari, who is claiming trial to his charges, will have his trial heard in January next year."


its dalit black.

The 27-year-old former auxiliary police officer pleaded guilty to two counts of abetting Srihari Mahendran to rape the woman, and another count of abetment of sexual assault by penetration.



Auxiliary cop abetted rape of girlfriend twice by organising threesome with male stranger


14 min ago
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Selina Lum
Law Correspondent

SINGAPORE - During bondage sex with her boyfriend of two years, a woman who was bound and blindfolded found out a male stranger was taking part too in their tryst.

It later turned out to be a stranger that her boyfriend had met online and invited to take part in a threesome without her knowledge nor consent.

And that it had happened once previously, with her completely oblivious about what was going on.

The boyfriend, a 27-year-old auxiliary police officer, was sentenced to 23 years and 11 months' jail and 24 strokes of the cane on Monday (Nov 26) after he admitted that he had abetted the rape of his girlfriend, also 27, first in April 2016 and a second time in August 2016.

The High Court heard that the couple, who started dating in November 2014, began experimenting with soft bondage practices during sex.

The accused, who became interested in such practices after watching the movie 50 Shades of Grey, cajoled the woman into trying new things to "spice up" their relationship, the court heard.

The woman allowed herself to be physically bound during sex because she trusted him and wanted to please him, said court papers. She also relented when he insisted on recording videos of their sexual encounters.

But she drew the line when he floated the idea of having a threesome.

In 2015, the accused, who used microblogging app Tumblr to view pornography, contacted another user, Srihari Mahendran, 22, on the platform.

The two then traded lurid details and photographs of their "sexual conquests", according to court documents.

The accused told Srihari about his sexual fantasy of watching another man having sex with his girlfriend and came up with a plan for the two of them to have a threesome with her, without her knowing.

On the night of April 29, 2016, after the couple checked into a hotel room, the accused tied the woman's hands with a rope and blindfolded her.

She simply thought it was part of their usual soft-bondage play, unaware that her boyfriend had arranged for Srihari to join them.

The accused let Srihari into the room and told him to undress and wait in the bathroom. The accused even turned on the tap to create the impression that he was using the toilet.

After a short while, the accused had sex with the woman before gesturing Srihari to take over. Court papers stated that the accused even moaned to reinforce the illusion that he was the one carrying out the sex acts.

In August 2016, the woman arranged for a staycation at a hotel to celebrate the accused's birthday. The accused told Srihari to "standby" and sent him titillating photos of the victim.

On the night of Aug 6, the couple had sex at the hotel and fell asleep. In the early hours of Aug 7, while the victim was sleeping, the accused went to the lobby and brought Srihari to their room. The accused then tied the woman's hands and blindfolded her.

The woman realised that something was amiss: someone was holding her waist and having sex with her but at the same time, her blindfold was being adjusted.

When she managed to free her hands and remove her blindfold, she was shocked that apart from her boyfriend, there was another person in the room.

She reached for her spectacles, but the accused tried to block her while the other man left the room.

Confronting the accused, the woman realised that he had used his laptop to record the episode. After viewing the videos of a stranger having sex with her, she told the accused: "This is clearly rape, do you know what you have done?"

The accused apologised and begged her not to report the case to the police as it would destroy his future, but she demanded that he call the other man back to the hotel.

The woman then texted a friend, who advised her to leave the room.

At the hotel lobby, the victim told the receptionist she could have been raped and asked to see surveillance footage near her room. At this time, Srihari walked into the lobby and was detained by hotel staff after the victim pointed him out as the man who had raped her.

Meanwhile, the accused, who was still in the room, deleted the videos from his laptop. He also sent text messages to the victim, begging her not to report the matter as he wanted to "build a life" with her.

But the woman decided to call the police, and both the accused and Srihari were arrested at the hotel.

On Monday, the accused pleaded guilty to two charges of abetment of rape and one charge of abetment of sexual assault by penetration.

Another 54 charges, including unrelated offences for making obscene films and insulting the modesty of two other women, were taken into consideration.

The case against Srihari is pending, and his trial is scheduled for January next year.

The accused's lawyer, Mr Mohamed Baiross, said his client was willing to testify as a prosecution witness.

"What he has done was heinous, was reprehensible and deserves condemnation of society," said the lawyer, who asked for 20 years' jail.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Eunice Lau pressed for 25 years' jail, arguing that he "selfishly prioritised his sexual gratification at the victim's expense, and flagrantly breached the trust she had reposed in him".

Judicial Commissioner Audrey Lim granted the accused's request to defer the start of his sentence on Jan 3. Bail was increased from $50,000 to $80,000.


Watching the erotic movie 50 Shades of Grey sparked a 27-year-old Singaporean man’s interest in soft bondage sexual activities. After his girlfriend of two years rejected his proposal for a threesome, he persuaded her to let him bind and blindfold her during sex.

On one occasion, the woman, also 27, sensed that something was wrong. She took off her eye mask only to realise that she had been having sex with Srihari Mahendran – a complete stranger who had been abetted by the boyfriend.

To compound matters, she discovered later on that it was not the first time Srihari had raped her without her knowledge.

On Monday (26 November), the boyfriend, who was working as an auxiliary police officer at the time of the offence, admitted to two counts of abetment of rape and one count of abetment of sexual assault by penetration. He will serve 23 years 11 months and be given 24 strokes of the cane.

54 counts of a similar nature, including making obscene videos, were taken into consideration for sentencing. Another two victims, whose identities were not disclosed in court, were involved in these offences.

The man and his girlfriend both cannot be named to protect the woman’s identity. Srihari, who is claiming trial to his charges, will have his trial heard in January next year.

Girlfriend loved and trusted him
According to court documents, the couple met through online dating app Paktor in September 2014 before becoming an item in November that year.

After watching 50 Shades, the man became interested in soft bondage – during which one party is tied or blindfolded during sex – and asked the woman to take part with him. Initially rejecting it as she was uncomfortable with the idea, she relented after her boyfriend cajoled her, telling her that they should try new things to “spice up” their relationship.

The prosecution said that the woman allowed herself to be tied as she wanted to please her boyfriend, whom she trusted and loved. The man also floated the idea of having another person participating in sexual activities with them, which the girlfriend firmly rejected.

The man would record the couple’s sexual activities, claiming that it was for his own viewing pleasure. The woman disliked the idea but relented when the man claimed he would delete them after his viewing.

Unbeknownst to his girlfriend, the man had a Tumblr account which he used to view pornography and have sex-related discussions with other users.

Through this platform, the man met Srihari and began to exchange lurid details and photos of their sexual activities with their respective girlfriends.

Hatching a plot with a stranger
In the course of their exchange, the man told Srihari about his sexual fantasy of watching a third party having sex with his girlfriend. The man then conceived a plan for both himself and Srihari to have sex with his girlfriend.

On 29 April 2016, when the couple checked into Hotel 81 Bugis, the man tied his girlfriend up and blindfolded her before asking Srihari to enter. After the man engaged in sexual activities with his girlfriend, Srihari raped and sexually assaulted her.

The woman was unaware of what had transpired as she thought she was having sex with her boyfriend.

On 6 August that year, the girlfriend arranged a hotel staycation with the man in order to celebrate his birthday. Unknown to the woman, the man again used the opportunity to prepare for Srihari to violate his girlfriend.

In the early hours of 7 August, as the woman was sleeping in their hotel room, Srihari waited outside. The man tied the half-conscious woman up and blindfolded her before bringing Srihari into the room. Srihari proceeded to rape her.

The woman felt that something was wrong by then and tried to remove her eye mask. The man tried to distract his girlfriend by kissing her and telling her to go back to sleep.

After freeing her hands from her binds and removing her blindfold, she saw another person in the room, who was dark-skinned and plump. The man tried to block her view and stop her from wearing her spectacles. By the time she could see clearly, the stranger had fled.

The woman confronted the man, telling him that what the stranger had done to her was rape. She noticed the man’s laptop was switched on and forced him to play what he had recorded. She saw the stranger in the video.

More at https://sg.news.yahoo.com/man-got-s...es-sexual-fantasy-jailed-caned-072551523.html