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Serious Religious Basis for Islamic Terrorism: The Evil Quran and Its Interpretations


Extreme religious interpretations of the Quran and the movement of Islamic Revivalism influence the emergence and progression of violent Jihad in contemporary times. Islamic “terrorists” are able to legitimize their movement as an act of violent Jihad permitted by the Quran essentially because of religious sanctions that permit the use of violence as an act of defense and to preserve the will of God in Islamic communities. The Quran systematizes this use and relates it to other aspects of the Shariat through its discourse on revivalism. Based on the Quranic principle of ijtihad, terrorists emphasize the Quran's tenets on violence and revivalism in their religious interpretations and present it as a legitimate premise for the use of excessive aggression. According to ijtihad Muslims can interpret and determine the extent of their Islamic practices individually as long as these are directed toward ensuring the will of God in an Islamic community. Thus terrorists use ijtihad to emphasize Quranic clauses that sanction the use of violent Jihad as a method ordained by God to preserve the Shariat in an Islamic community. The manner in which terrorists use ijtihad to contextualize geopolitical factors as a cause for violent Jihad is determined by their extreme interpretations of the Quran. These interpretations also determine the extent of violence used in a Jihad for religious amelioration. The religious legitimacy of this violence prevails until the cause and course of violent Jihad correlates with the Quran's discourse on violence and revivalism. In contemporary times an extreme interpretation of the movement of Revivalism 1 that is inspired by “revivalism” also provides an organized premise for Islamic terrorism. When implemented, this causes variations within specific geopolitical conditions and in different Jihadi groups. However a common understanding of religious doctrines determines the extent of Revivalism in Islamic communities because this movement relies heavily on the Quranic discourse for its existence. Thus, the religious basis for Islamic terrorism is primarily found when extreme interpretations of the Quran's tenets on violence and revivalism are directed toward obtaining an equally radical version of Revivalism in specific geopolitical conditions. In this manner, extreme Quranic and Revivalist interpretations ensure the ideological persistence of Islamic terrorism as a religious effort to preserve the will of God in an Islamic community. The aim of this article is to show the manner in which religion can cause the emergence of Islamic violence as it is known today. The discourse on Islamic violence and counterterrorism needs to be urgently studied given the numerous instances of violent Jihad in contemporary times. Many writings on Islamic violence and statements released after an act of Islamic violence allude to the impact of religion on violent Jihad, but they rarely explore it or present a premise for its existence. This exploration will be conducted based on research of the author's on the Kashmir crisis and the insurgency in it. Thus, examples from insurgency in Kashmir will be used on occasion to illustratively develop this argument. In his book The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington states that a theory must be causal and simple. Using the words of Thomas Kuhn, he explains that “to be accepted as a paradigm [it] must seem better than its competitors but it need not, and in fact never does, explain all the facts with which it can be confronted.” 2 Furthering such simplicity and exploration, will be the central effort of this discourse. The sources for this exploration will be mainly derived from theoretical and practical understandings of terrorism, Islamic religion and theology, and the movement of Islamic Revivalism. A comparison between Islam and other religions will not be presented when evaluating the impact of Islam on violent Jihad. It will essentially present religious premises for violent Jihad from a Muslim rather than non-Muslim or “Western” perspective; although it is accepted that parallels in the understanding of “violence” do exist in the Muslim and non-Muslim world. Non-Muslim perspectives on violence and terrorism are relevant and known to the author. However a perpetual emphasis on these factors or a failure to acknowledge them limits the scope of the study of Islamic terrorism itself. The aim will be to present an Islamic perspective on violent Jihad. Then, it is accepted that a complex interplay between religious understandings and geopolitical events influence the emergence of Islamic violence in contemporary times. Thereafter, it must be stated that extreme psychological and sociological factors intrinsic to the Jihadis influence the religious choices that cause violent Jihad. An analysis of these factors is outside the realm of this discourse, which remains political in its scope. Further, on occasion a lack of empirical data and non-circumstantial evidence is encountered to substantiate some contentions mentioned ahead. As it has been suggested previously 3 this is mainly because there is a dearth of such data and reliable evidence pertaining to religious terrorism. At certain points, it becomes difficult to validate external opinions mainly because of the right to individual interpretations vested by the Quran in all Muslims. The validity of these opinions is vested in the fact that they are taken from informed Muslims who practice moderate and radical interpretations of Islam. Any reader may be expected to believe that any kind of terrorism is unjustifiable. However, in order to address these movements effectively, they must be studied from all possible dimensions and especially from the cultural contexts from which they arise.


Thoughout the Bible book is about war too... Christian boats were used loaded with opium to enter China. The Chinese call it Jesus boats...

As such, bad tree grows bad fruits.... China reject Christianty for not blessing the Chinese but hurt China..

don't blame China for rejecting Christianity religion but point yr finger to the traitor BE....


Christianity is rubbish.... Abraham can betrayed his wife twice to be pumped full tank by kings....

And their God Yehweh are too old got dementia type, a very forgetful arsehole.... HE remembered Noah after dumping him in the sea of high water qhich he flooded it in the first place.

He forgotten about Abraham kept him wondering from places to places for 40 years get Abraham into a lot of troubles....

He is a lousy inventor... create 2 humans... first one make man an image of him.... then cockup....
..... create another man from dust of the ground and can die one.... this fucking shitskin creator need to be shot... dead...


Christianity is rubbish.... Abraham can betrayed his wife twice to be pumped full tank by kings....

And their God Yehweh are too old got dementia type, a very forgetful arsehole.... HE remembered Noah after dumping him in the sea of high water qhich he flooded it in the first place.

He forgotten about Abraham kept him wondering from places to places for 40 years get Abraham into a lot of troubles....

He is a lousy inventor... create 2 humans... first one make man an image of him.... then cockup....
..... create another man from dust of the ground and can die one.... this fucking shitskin creator need to be shot... dead...

But not as jialat as the islam ma! islam is the jialat of the most jialat!


Extreme religious interpretations of the Quran and the movement of Islamic Revivalism influence the emergence and progression of violent Jihad in contemporary times. Islamic “terrorists” are able to legitimize their movement as an act of violent Jihad permitted by the Quran essentially because of religious sanctions that permit the use of violence as an act of defense and to preserve the will of God in Islamic communities. The Quran systematizes this use and relates it to other aspects of the Shariat through its discourse on revivalism. Based on the Quranic principle of ijtihad, terrorists emphasize the Quran's tenets on violence and revivalism in their religious interpretations and present it as a legitimate premise for the use of excessive aggression. According to ijtihad Muslims can interpret and determine the extent of their Islamic practices individually as long as these are directed toward ensuring the will of God in an Islamic community. Thus terrorists use ijtihad to emphasize Quranic clauses that sanction the use of violent Jihad as a method ordained by God to preserve the Shariat in an Islamic community. The manner in which terrorists use ijtihad to contextualize geopolitical factors as a cause for violent Jihad is determined by their extreme interpretations of the Quran. These interpretations also determine the extent of violence used in a Jihad for religious amelioration. The religious legitimacy of this violence prevails until the cause and course of violent Jihad correlates with the Quran's discourse on violence and revivalism. In contemporary times an extreme interpretation of the movement of Revivalism 1 that is inspired by “revivalism” also provides an organized premise for Islamic terrorism. When implemented, this causes variations within specific geopolitical conditions and in different Jihadi groups. However a common understanding of religious doctrines determines the extent of Revivalism in Islamic communities because this movement relies heavily on the Quranic discourse for its existence. Thus, the religious basis for Islamic terrorism is primarily found when extreme interpretations of the Quran's tenets on violence and revivalism are directed toward obtaining an equally radical version of Revivalism in specific geopolitical conditions. In this manner, extreme Quranic and Revivalist interpretations ensure the ideological persistence of Islamic terrorism as a religious effort to preserve the will of God in an Islamic community. The aim of this article is to show the manner in which religion can cause the emergence of Islamic violence as it is known today. The discourse on Islamic violence and counterterrorism needs to be urgently studied given the numerous instances of violent Jihad in contemporary times. Many writings on Islamic violence and statements released after an act of Islamic violence allude to the impact of religion on violent Jihad, but they rarely explore it or present a premise for its existence. This exploration will be conducted based on research of the author's on the Kashmir crisis and the insurgency in it. Thus, examples from insurgency in Kashmir will be used on occasion to illustratively develop this argument. In his book The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington states that a theory must be causal and simple. Using the words of Thomas Kuhn, he explains that “to be accepted as a paradigm [it] must seem better than its competitors but it need not, and in fact never does, explain all the facts with which it can be confronted.” 2 Furthering such simplicity and exploration, will be the central effort of this discourse. The sources for this exploration will be mainly derived from theoretical and practical understandings of terrorism, Islamic religion and theology, and the movement of Islamic Revivalism. A comparison between Islam and other religions will not be presented when evaluating the impact of Islam on violent Jihad. It will essentially present religious premises for violent Jihad from a Muslim rather than non-Muslim or “Western” perspective; although it is accepted that parallels in the understanding of “violence” do exist in the Muslim and non-Muslim world. Non-Muslim perspectives on violence and terrorism are relevant and known to the author. However a perpetual emphasis on these factors or a failure to acknowledge them limits the scope of the study of Islamic terrorism itself. The aim will be to present an Islamic perspective on violent Jihad. Then, it is accepted that a complex interplay between religious understandings and geopolitical events influence the emergence of Islamic violence in contemporary times. Thereafter, it must be stated that extreme psychological and sociological factors intrinsic to the Jihadis influence the religious choices that cause violent Jihad. An analysis of these factors is outside the realm of this discourse, which remains political in its scope. Further, on occasion a lack of empirical data and non-circumstantial evidence is encountered to substantiate some contentions mentioned ahead. As it has been suggested previously 3 this is mainly because there is a dearth of such data and reliable evidence pertaining to religious terrorism. At certain points, it becomes difficult to validate external opinions mainly because of the right to individual interpretations vested by the Quran in all Muslims. The validity of these opinions is vested in the fact that they are taken from informed Muslims who practice moderate and radical interpretations of Islam. Any reader may be expected to believe that any kind of terrorism is unjustifiable. However, in order to address these movements effectively, they must be studied from all possible dimensions and especially from the cultural contexts from which they arise.
jiu hu kias such as you should than balek kampong to tiong land or keling land ..where communism and Hinduism is waiting to eat you alive ...i had spoken about malusial plight to mainlanders chinks and they laughed aloud ...out of 10 billionaires in malusia 9 are chinks ...and the Kelings in malusia are treated at least as human whreas in India they would be among the pariahs or untouchables

its badmouthing host countries that irks the m&ds otherwise m&ds are indeed a very tolerant and peaceful lot ...don't bite the hands that fed your generation jiu hu kias


But not as jialat as the islam ma! islam is the jialat of the most jialat!
The problem with muslims they never admit their wrong doings and learned. See how they create fake news to push off the blame of 9-11. To them Islam is perfect and will not mislead followers into wrong doings.


The problem with muslims they never admit their wrong doings and learned. See how they create fake news to push off the blame of 9-11. To them Islam is perfect and will not mislead followers into wrong doings.
did the commie admitted to their wrongdoing or the murderous hindutva in keligland or even the LTTE Tamil suicide bombers ?


The problem with muslims they never admit their wrong doings and learned. See how they create fake news to push off the blame of 9-11. To them Islam is perfect and will not mislead followers into wrong doings.

Then their whole teachings is wrong alrdy ma! They keep thinking they are the special ones but they are fucking delusional! The thing is also they cant leave islam and will lead to death penalty or a huge consequences such as disown parents! Wao lau, we are living with freedom ma! Still got the guts to say CCP no freedom!


jiu hu kias such as you should than balek kampong to tiong land or keling land ..where communism and Hinduism is waiting to eat you alive ...i had spoken about malusial plight to mainlanders chinks and they laughed aloud ...out of 10 billionaires in malusia 9 are chinks ...and the Kelings in malusia are treated at least as human whreas in India they would be among the pariahs or untouchables

its badmouthing host countries that irks the m&ds otherwise m&ds are indeed a very tolerant and peaceful lot ...don't bite the hands that fed your generation jiu hu kias
IF you think i am jiu hu kia is your problem. If you don't like my thread, please stay off. I did NS in 23 SA khatib camp. You yourself may not even know what is a battery unit.

syed putra

Then their whole teachings is wrong alrdy ma! They keep thinking they are the special ones but they are fucking delusional! The thing is also they cant leave islam and will lead to death penalty or a huge consequences such as disown parents! Wao lau, we are living with freedom ma! Still got the guts to say CCP no freedom!
Humans are easily manipulated.or coerced.
And many simply follow blindly.
We are here to give some option for many to ponder.


Humans are easily manipulated.or coerced.
And many simply follow blindly.
We are here to give some option for many to ponder.

No matter we gave so many options they wont change! They brain dead! Tat is why the hui chinese is the better muslim as they study Confucius!

syed putra

The birth of the iranian islamic republic and the subsequent attack by Islamist in Mecca killing dozens turned Saudi into a zealot nation which is funding extremist views on religion.
Religious schools all over Asia particularly Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and Bangladesh have been turned into a chruning out ground for intolerant islamist. If najib jad been in power, saudi would have built a peace centre in putrajay to further convey their intolerant brand of faith.
I am just giving info so that you will know what is happening on the ground. The days of tolerant Malays could end if these people who are taught and trained by Saudis move up in society..


The huis have Arab blood. They will control China soon.

Fuck u! The hui look like chinese and they are predominant han chinese and just different beliefs! Some han convert to muslim and is not by marrying to arabs! The hui also has been behaving like han and kena fuck by han and also eat pork!


IF you think i am jiu hu kia is your problem. If you don't like my thread, please stay off. I did NS in 23 SA khatib camp. You yourself may not even know what is a battery unit.
touchy aren't you ? ..if you really want to prove yourself throwing names here and there isn't much of help ...there were many malusials like you in SAF ...a real proof would be to attach your IC here

notwithstanding just as your right to post its equally my right to put you under my scrutiny


not so nice gook cocky, u show your IC first lah. As i already said i dont need to prove anything to you. This thread is for discussion on Islam and not your beloved m&d bros. Please get off and you can continue to call me jiuhu kia in your m&d thread. Stay off if have no comment on Islam.


not so nice gook cocky, u show your IC first lah. Like i dont need to prove anything to you. This thread is for discussion on Islam and your m&d bros. Please get off and you can continue to call me jiuhu kia in your m&d thread. Stay off if have no comment on Islam.
just as I thought ,jiu hu kias are indeed short of legality ...it's not for me to proof who I am but the onus is entirely yours ..you said you are sinkie and served NS ,than put your money where your mouth is and prove it ...Oh,me ? I am a mickey mouse from Mars living in rented 1 room in Batam near to Labuan