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Rejoice....Sinki can be proud of a Sinki Blood Nobel Prize winner...



Nobel Chemistry laureate Demis Hassabis has Singapore in his blood​


Dr Demis Hassabis founded AI start-up Deepmind that Google acquired for US$650 million (S$848 million). PHOTO: REUTERS

Raul Dancel

Oct 10, 2024, 01:06 AM


Dr Demis Hassabis, one of the three winners of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, has Singapore in his blood: His mother is Singaporean, and he credits Singapore – a place he calls “this magical futuristic world” – for kindling his interest in tech.

He was awarded the Nobel prize on Oct 9, along with Dr John Jumper and Dr David Baker.

They were recognised for their work on advanced technology, including artificial intelligence, to predict the complex structures of proteins.

Dr Hassabis and his collaborator at Google DeepMind, Dr Jumper, were credited specifically for creating a technology that can rapidly and reliably predict the physical shape of proteins and enzymes.

That technology has sped up the discovery of medicines and creation of new biological tools.


Singapore is really a Smart Nation, coolie gene need some good atas genes to unlock hidden potential de woh



His family​

Dr Hassabis, 48, was born in North London to a Greek Cypriot father and Chinese Singaporean mother. Both were reported to have worked as teachers

He described his parents in a 2014 interview with The Standard of London as “quite bohemian”. At the time, his mother was working for the department store chain John Lewis, while his father “did lots of different things”, including being a singer-songwriter.

“Neither of them are technical at all, which is quite bizarre,” Dr Hassabis told The Standard.

“My parents are technophobes. They don’t really like computers... So, yeah, it’s weird. I’m not quite sure where all this came from,” he told the Guardian in 2016.

He said, like his parents, his younger brother and sister “went the artistic route”. His sister is a composer and pianist, while his brother studied creative writing.

“I’m definitely the alien black sheep in my family,” he said in jest, recalling how as a boy he spent his chess prize winnings on a ZX Spectrum 48K, and then a Commodore Amiga, which he promptly took apart and figured out how to program.



He stood out​

Growing up, Dr Hassabis was often described as a polymath. He taught himself to write computer programs when he was just eight.

He was the second-highest ranked under-14 chess player in the world and began designing video games professionally before attending college.

After completing a computer science degree at the University of Cambridge, he founded his own video game company and then returned to academia for a doctorate in neuroscience.

Dr Hassabis, along with a fellow academic and a childhood friend, founded an AI start-up that they called DeepMind in 2010. About four years later, Google acquired it for US$650 million (S$848 million).


Another SPG mother kena fucked by chow AMDK. Lucky this fucker born in UK or else kena NS and he won’t be toking so much cock about how good SG was to his development


Another SPG mother kena fucked by chow AMDK. Lucky this fucker born in UK or else kena NS and he won’t be toking so much cock about how good SG was to his development
That is why sinki is design to FAIL since Day 1


If in SG, he can be jitao leeplace by Asean Scholar


“life sciences graduates are only fit to wash test tubes” this statement I heard more than a decade ago was the first time I knew of this guy called Philip Yeo. Then chairman of Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star), it caused quite a ruckus I believe in Singapore at the time where there was a strong push by the government into the bio-medical field.

That line partly factored in my decision against taking up a triple-science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) subject combination in secondary school. I opted for Physics and Chemistry only



This was Mr Philip Yeo’s first message to his online detractors when he ventured into cyberspace in a rare occasion to engage the bloggers:

“A very self-important university freshman attending a recent football game, took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation. “You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one,” the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. “The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon, our spaceships have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light-speed processing and…,” pausing to take another drink of beer. The Senior took advantage of the break in the student’s litany and said, “You’re right, son. We didn’t have those things when we were young…..so we invented them.Now, you arrogant little XXXX, what are you doing for the next generation?