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Posted on 23 Mar 2010
Woman tells me to take another bus when I ask for seat she's hogging
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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This woman is frequently seen hogging two seats on board bus service 10 with her bags, says a STOMPer, who was once told off for confronting her.
The STOMPer was carrying a heavy load and asked to have the seat taken up by the selfish commuter’s bags.
Instead of giving it up, the woman scolded the sender and told her to get off the bus and try her luck with the next service.
The woman is seen almost every morning during peak hour, says the sender, who also noticed that the woman takes off her slippers and falls asleep each time.
On every occasion, the woman occupies two seats, one for herself and the other for her bags.
She does this despite the fact that there are many commuters standing in the bus.
The appalled STOMPer says:
“If you are a frequent commuter of bus number 10 from Mountbatten towards the city during morning peak hours between 7:30am to 8am, you have probably seen the scene in the picture.
“This woman consistently occupies two seats with her belongings while sleeping with her slippers taken off, ignoring the needy commuters standing in the bus.
“I once approached her for the seat occupied by her belongings as I was carrying a heavy and bulky load but she told me off and told me to get down and get on an empty bus.
“I brought this to the attention of the bus driver, who tried to persuade her but to no success.
“What is the bus captain’s role and authority in helping the commuters who cannot find available seats in times of need?”
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: ugly commuter , hogs seat , selfish
Woman tells me to take another bus when I ask for seat she's hogging
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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This woman is frequently seen hogging two seats on board bus service 10 with her bags, says a STOMPer, who was once told off for confronting her.
The STOMPer was carrying a heavy load and asked to have the seat taken up by the selfish commuter’s bags.
Instead of giving it up, the woman scolded the sender and told her to get off the bus and try her luck with the next service.
The woman is seen almost every morning during peak hour, says the sender, who also noticed that the woman takes off her slippers and falls asleep each time.
On every occasion, the woman occupies two seats, one for herself and the other for her bags.
She does this despite the fact that there are many commuters standing in the bus.
The appalled STOMPer says:
“If you are a frequent commuter of bus number 10 from Mountbatten towards the city during morning peak hours between 7:30am to 8am, you have probably seen the scene in the picture.
“This woman consistently occupies two seats with her belongings while sleeping with her slippers taken off, ignoring the needy commuters standing in the bus.
“I once approached her for the seat occupied by her belongings as I was carrying a heavy and bulky load but she told me off and told me to get down and get on an empty bus.
“I brought this to the attention of the bus driver, who tried to persuade her but to no success.
“What is the bus captain’s role and authority in helping the commuters who cannot find available seats in times of need?”
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: ugly commuter , hogs seat , selfish