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Redeem mortgage loan or let it be in Covid era?


Given the uncertainties of catching coronavirus and die from it, I think it's better not to redeem mortgage loan given that the mortgage insurance will pay out if I catch coronavirus and die.

Is it correct?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Given the uncertainties of catching coronavirus and die from it, I think it's better not to redeem mortgage loan given that the mortgage insurance will pay out if I catch coronavirus and die.

Is it correct?
You will not die of Covid that easily though. If you are paying anything more than 1.5% pls make sure you refinance.


Given the uncertainties of catching coronavirus and die from it, I think it's better not to redeem mortgage loan given that the mortgage insurance will pay out if I catch coronavirus and die.

Is it correct?

How many booster shots have you taken? The chances of you dying from vax is far higher than you dying from the virus.