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Serious Reason behind Amazon Boss Jeff Bezos’ Divorse


I find your racist comments very unbecoming and downright appalling. Greedy chinks, lazy m&ds and smelly shitskins should all co-exist peacefully.

How can one say you are racist If you are speaking the truth. Unless your arguments carry no facts, prove or statistics. E.g some races are smarter than other races. It is a fact ... "IQ and RACE" … So how can you say I am racist if I am just stating a fact. Also Blacks can jump higher because of their bone density and body structure. Also another fact.


Yes indeed! :laugh: Isn't the English language wonderful! Such a civil and family-friendly way to say they were fucking around. :biggrin:

That's what they are suppose to say. They are not fucking around. But they really like each other company so much so that they decide to tie the knot.

But I think Jeff should be smart enough not to marry again. But who knows, Jeff is a rich man.

syed putra

How can one say you are racist If you are speaking the truth. Unless your arguments carry no facts, prove or statistics. E.g some races are smarter than other races. It is a fact ... "IQ and RACE" … So how can you say I am racist if I am just stating a fact. Also Blacks can jump higher because of their bone density and body structure. Also another fact.

This more or less conclude the iq of this particular race. From young, they are trained to be prostitutes.



This more or less conclude the iq of this particular race. From young, they are trained to be prostitutes.

Yep just like some races from young trained to screw mother daughters .... brothers father. All in one good family.


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Yes indeed! :laugh: Isn't the English language wonderful! Such a civil and family-friendly way to say they were fucking around. :biggrin:
I say family friendly only can twist family friendly to sex to insinuate insults on me song song. That’s boasting style of lowly rats snakes and crocodiles indeed.


I say family friendly only can twist family friendly to sex to insinuate insults on me song song. That’s boasting style of lowly rats snakes and crocodiles indeed.
Basically any word any actions of me can be twisted to fucking around to mock and boast their win. And that’s the boasting style of lowly rats snakes and crocodiles.