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(Real Islam) France: 14-year-old Muslim boy tells his teacher ‘I’m going cut you like Samuel Paty’



“Seine-et-Marne: a schoolboy threatens his geography-history teacher to ‘cut her like Samuel Paty,'” translated from “Seine-et-Marne : un collégien menace sa prof d’histoire-géo de la ‘découper comme Samuel Paty,'” by Sophie Bordier, Le Figaro, November 13, 2020 :

A 14-year-old student threatened a teacher at a school in Savigny-le-Temple on Thursday as she showed photos of protests sparked by the Charlie Hebdo attack. He told police that he was “singing a song” by a rapper.

A student from La Grange du Bois school in Savigny-le-Temple was arrested Thursday around 12:15 p.m. by the police, following threats made to his history-geography teacher during a civic education course which had taken place the same morning.

While the teacher spoke about freedom of expression in front of a third-level class and showed photos of demonstrations relating to the attack on the weekly Charlie Hebdo, the 14-year-old schoolboy allegedly told him: “I’m going cut you like Samuel Paty”. This was a macabre allusion to the professor assassinated by beheading on October 16 on leaving his school in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines) for showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in a moral and civic education class a few days before.

The teenager was carrying an electric gun

Alerted, the principal of the school immediately warned the police, who came to arrest the student. He was found carrying a black electric pulse pistol. Placed in custody, the teenager acknowledged his words by specifying that he “sang a rap song about Samuel Paty”. According to our information, it is a song by a rapper named Maka. When questioned, his father told investigators that his son, a Muslim, was “not radicalized”.

The teacher filed a complaint, accompanied by the school principal. The latter specified that he had already dismissed this student on two occasions “for behavioral problems”, apart from the course on freedom of expression. Aged 33, the teacher was “shocked”, according to investigators.

Prosecuted for giving a death threat to a person entrusted with a public service mission, making an apology for terrorism and carrying a category D prohibited weapon, the student, who resides in Cesson, was to be referred this Friday to the Melun prosecutor’s office.

The teenager released, the apology for terrorism not retained by justice

According to the latter, the teenager will ultimately be tried later only for two of the previous charges: death threat to a person in charge of a public service mission and carrying a prohibited category D weapon. He was released to his family.

The Inspectorate of the Seine-et-Marne academy said it would “support” the teacher. “A sanction will be taken with regard to the student, according to what the disciplinary council decides”, one indicates.


The crusade between the European and Middle Eastern empire will not cease. The stabbing is Just another reminder that history is still well and alive.

As for allowing these refugee to step foot into Europe, it's pure stupidity.


Alfrescian (Inf)
France should have only restricted its importing of Muslims to the talented footballer youths from North Africa.

Not the rest of the losers and welfare leeches. They have nothing better to do, nothing to look forward to in life. So they obsess about the afterlife, and their perceived shortcuts to get to 'paradise'. :rolleyes:

syed putra

France should have only restricted its importing of Muslims to the talented footballer youths from North Africa.

Not the rest of the losers and welfare leeches. They have nothing better to do, nothing to look forward to in life. So they obsess about the afterlife, and their perceived shortcuts to get to 'paradise'. :rolleyes:
Europe and areas around the Mediterranean are intertwined since the roman and greeks days.