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Serious Real Bigfoot caught on video


Looks fake

Bigfoot captured in wild viral video by terrified hiker: ‘Scariest moment of my life’​


It was only a matter of time before Bigfoot became a TikTok star.

A content creator has allegedly captured the furry beast on video in what could be the clearest footage of the much-debated, mythical beast to date.

The video boasts more than 1.2 million views on TikTok.

“I really think I caught a f–king Bigfoot on camera,” exclaimed @E_ManAlfaro in the caption to the brief clip, which was shot in the Parallel Forest in Lawton, Oklahoma.

While no one thought Sasquatch was finally found, it turns out the sighting was all part of an ad campaign for the Bigfoot Head Shop in Lawton.

True Believer

The face looks too fake and if there was a closeup, we would probably see a zipper on the furry suit. Anyone can don a Chewbacca suit and have his buddies take a video of him walking in the woods.


Bigfoot Yeren located in China
