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Rapist stepdad sentenced to 30 years' jail and 24 strokes of the cane



S'porean sentenced to 30 years' jail and 24 strokes of the cane
Stepdad: I'll go public with nude photos if you tell
He starts raping younger stepdaughter when she was 11
He starts raping older stepdaughter when she was 13

By Arul John

January 29, 2009



SHE married him because she thought he was the perfect father for her kids.

His strict ways filled her with confidence when she first met him at a pub in the late 1990s.

At that time, Madam Annie, now in her 40s , was a divorcee with two young daughters.

She said: 'Joe was strict with my daughters and did not let them mix freely with other boys. If they went out, they had to let him know when they would be home or he would get very angry.'

Madam Annie said Joe even bought handphones for the girls so that they could let him know of their whereabouts.

Then in June last year, Madam Annie found out that the 'perfect father' was in fact a monster of the worst kind.

Unknown to her, Joe, now in his mid-40s, had turned their home into a house of horrors by preying on his young stepdaughters.

He began raping Jane, then 13, and Jenny, then 11, within months of the marriage. He continued to have carnal relations with them for close to 10 years before his arrest last year.

The sexual abuse made Jane pregnant and Joe arranged for her to have an abortion in 2007.

He continued to have sexual intercourse with her after the abortion and Jane had a miscarriage last year after she became pregnant again.

Madam Annie also has two daughters, both in primary school, from her marriage to Joe.

We are not using their real names to protect the victims' identities.

Joe faced 87 charges - six charges of aggravated rape, 31 charges of rape and 50 charges of carnal connection.

The prosecution proceeded with 13 charges, with the rest taken into consideration.

For Jane, the charges proceeded with included rape over eight months and carnal connections for slightly over two years.

For Jenny, he faced charges of raping her over two years and five months, and having carnal connections with her over the same length of time.

Last Friday, Joe was sentenced to 30 years' jail and 24 strokes of the cane.


The terrible truth emerged last June while Madam Annie was cleaning Jane's room.

She saw a letter from a hospital that showed the results of a pregnancy test and mentioned that an abortion had been performed on her daughter.

'I was shocked to read the letter because I know she did not have a boyfriend. I kept the letter and asked Jenny about it the next day,' she told The New Paper.

To her horror, Jenny started crying and told her that Joe had been raping Jane and her for some time.

Madam Annie said: 'She told me that Jane even became pregnant and had to go for an abortion. At first, I was speechless and so shocked I could not even cry.

'Then I became very angry.'

Jenny told her that they had kept silent about the sexual abuse because Joe had told them he would get angry at Madam Annie if she found out.

'If Joe did not get his way, he would throw tantrums, and hit me or the children. He once threw a laptop computer at me while I was in the kitchen,' claimed Madam Annie.

'The laptop was smashed but I was unhurt. He also used to throw warm coffee from his cup onto my face.'

She did not report her husband's abusive behaviour because she was not injured and believed that he would change his ways.

'Our relationship started to sour after the birth of my youngest daughter. Joe started surfing Internet chatrooms and went out to meet people he claimed to have met on the Internet.

'When I confronted him about this, he said he was meeting them to help free them from evil spirits. He claimed to have special knowledge which involved burning incense and chanting what he claimed were special prayers.'

This 'special knowledge' was the same ruse he used on his stepdaughters. (See report on facing page.)

Madam Annie said she had seen Joe use incense on Jane and Jenny, but thought it was for the 'beautification ritual' he had told her about.

She said she also saw both girls feeling depressed but they told her they were upset with Joe's strict ways.

Ruined lives

Madam Annie lodged a police report soon after and Joe was arrested the next day.

'I took the children to live with my father. Joe was arrested the day before our wedding anniversary. He cried and wished me a happy anniversary before the police led him away.'

Her next meeting with Joe was confrontational.

She said: 'I saw him at the Criminal Investigation Department for a short while. Joe told me that his life had been ruined.

'I told him, 'Your life may be ruined but my four daughters' lives have been ruined more severely than yours'. I gave him a piece of my mind, so much so that the police officers had to restrain me.'

Jane and Jenny also told Madam Annie that Joe had taken nude photographs of them with his handphone and had threatened to circulate them if they refused his advances.

She said she tried to find the photographs in vain and later learnt Joe had changed his handphone to one without a camera.

Madam Annie said she had not visited Joe in jail, but he wrote her a letter asking for her forgiveness.

She said: 'He told me he was sorry for his actions and asked me to look after our two daughters. But I can never forgive him for what he did.'

Madam Annie said Jane has become withdrawn.

'She told me she hates men and does not want to get into any relationships. She just goes home after work and does not mingle much.'

She said Jenny's studies suffered and she dropped out halfway through secondary school.

Madam Annie said she also used to cut her wrists as a way to cope with the trauma but that has since stopped. Jenny is now looking forward to getting her beautician's qualifications.

Madam Annie said she has filed for divorce from Joe.

She said: 'My mother-in-law used to love Joe more than her two other children. After hearing what he did, she was so disappointed and does not want to have anything to do with him.'



INCENSE RITUAL AS SMOKESCREEN: Joe asked his elder stepdaughter, Jane, who was then 13, if she wanted to look prettier. When she said yes, he told her he knew a ritual that would help her. According to court papers, Joe took Jane to his mother's vacant flat the following week, and told her to strip and lie down on a bed. Joe burnt some incense and started chanting while spreading the smoke from the incense over her face and body. He then raped Jane despite her protests. Later in the same year, Joe raped his second stepdaughter, Jenny, using the same ruse at the family's three-room flat.

For each charge of rape, Joe could have been jailed for up to 20 years, fined or caned.

For each charge of raping a girl under 14, he could have been jailed between eight and 20years, and caned up to 12 strokes. For each charge of carnal connection with a girl under 16, he could have been jailed for up to five years and fined $10,000.


no 1 fucker, defeated the trust of his own daughters.
a home is suppose to be a shelter for both the mind and the physical. this mother fucker turn it into hell for his own daugther.

this fucker will surely go in changi and come out with a bigger asshole.
pua chee bye read this one make my blood boil, recession got till so bad that everyone has no money to go geylang ar knn