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Serious [ Rapeland News ] ICA Beware of Indians : Kuwait Airport Immigration Called Indians, Indian Dogs :)



'My staff were called 'Indian dogs' in Kuwait,' tweets Adnan Sami, Sushma Swaraj replies

TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Updated: May 7, 2018, 12:44 IST


NEW DELHI: Singer Adnan Sami said yesterday his staff were mistreated and called "Indian dogs" by officials in Kuwait airport.

Sami tweeted yesterday about the episode and tagged the Indian embassy in Kuwait in his tweet.

"We came to your city with love and our Indian brethren embraced us with it. You gave no support. Kuwaiti airport immigration mistreated my staff for no reason and called them 'Indian Dogs'! When you were contacted you did nothing!! How dare d Kuwaitis behave like this with arrogance?!", said Sami in his tweet.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
in the middle East these guys are treated like dirt. my friend and his mother were chased down the street by rock pelting children. that's why Indians act so yaya when Pap welcome them to sinkapore


Old Fart
in the middle East these guys are treated like dirt. my friend and his mother were chased down the street by rock pelting children. that's why Indians act so yaya when Pap welcome them to sinkapore
Yes shitskins are despised everywhere. Except in sinkieland, thanks to pap.


Dear Kuwati Aiport Immgration,

We take offence to your callous comment concerning man's best friend. You have insult our four legged friends.
